like dad,like son

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I know its a little to late for new years but i had to.
Tony P.O.V

When i was being ask questions i felt like something was watching us or someone. I look at Natasha's face and Bucky's too and i think they sensed it to but keep asking questions about peter ' well Natasha did Bucky never really gives a crap so'(sorry for the bad language)

Peter's P.O.V

I ran all the way to the lab thank god i made it there just in time before tony got there.

I sat down and grab something to pretend i was working and not spying on them.

The doors opened and i look up to see tony " hey underoos want to help me on my suit" he ask

" Really!?!" I got exited, i mean i have work with him on the suit plenty of times but i love his suit and more time with da- i mean tony.

" ya kiddo lets go" i followed him to the suit.

( time skip)

Tony P.O.V

I look up to see the time and 9:00 ' wow is it really that late' i thought then looked at where peter is and he's sleeping.

I sigh and put the tools down and walk to peter and pick him up, i walk to his room ignoring the look i got when i pass Steve cooking and went to his room.

Opening to door, i walk to his bed and place him down i put the blanket on him and look at him.

He look so peaceful. I remember the day i meant him he was stuttering a lot but was full of energy, but now he was still that but stronger.

I kiss him on the for head and turned to the door i closed it and sighed.

"he's something else" someone said beside me and i squeaked and jumped i turn my head to see steve.

" don't scare me like that you asshole"(again sorry for the bad language)

Steve put his hand up in a playful surrender " sorry tony i didn't mean to" and i think he muttered 'language' but who knows.

We stayed quite for what seem like minutes until steve spoke.

"He is something"

I look up and nod "yup he's is and i know some day he might be better than me and i will be glad that day comes"


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this and thank for the hundred people who read this even though some of you did like it😅. Hope you enjoyed it see ya next chapter bye

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