the ant family

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Peters P.O.V

"Cassie becareful, hey bud you ok" a man said the little girl hid behind him.

"Scott I swear to fucking god if you hurt my ki-" tony yelled running but stopped when he saw I was ok.

"Hey Mr. Stark" I say

"Hey pete, you ok" he said while giving the man (scott) a death glare.

" yeah im good" I say rubbing the back of my neck, something then pulled on my shirt and I look down to see the little girl (cassie as they said earlier).

"Im sorry mister" cassie said

I chuckle "it fine, are you ok though?" I ask worried i might have hurt her in someway.

"Nope I'm good" she said with a smile.

I look up at the man then at Mr. Stark "who's this, Mr. Stark?"

"Oh, this is scott lang" he said glaring at the man "also known as ant-man"

I know I heard of the name before...oh ya the guy who b*tched slapped me across the airport.

"the gaint from the airport?" I ask

"Yup thats me" scott said proudly

"Thats so cool!, how tall can you grow can you shrink like you did when you hid in Mr. Captian America's shield" I axclaim

"Heck ya I can, I time I..." An the conversation went on and on until Tony had enough.

"Oh kay" Mr. Stark yelled "hey pete, dont you have homework or something to do" he said.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that, sorry Mr. Lang sir I have homework to do but it was nice talking to you" I say

"It was nice talking to you to kid" he said



" its peter, my names Peter Parker" I say

"Well see ya for dinner" I he waved, and cassie waved to. I speed walked to my room.

"Bye bye mister" she yelled


Peters P.O.V

Eating with these guys are funny Mr. Stark and pepper are talking, cassie is chewing happily on her nuggets, while Hope is telling embarrassing stories about scott.

"And so his botton wasn't working but when he pressed again he shrunk down to the size of a kindergardener" Hope said

We all burst out laughing it was probably the best weekend ever.


After the dinner Hope took cassie to her guest room with scott behind them.

I said my good nights to Mr. Stark an pepper and went to my bedroom.

I couldn't sleep so I stared at the ceiling for about and hour and a half.

I got bored and left the room. I walked through the halways careful to try and not make noise.

When I close to the kitchen i heard murmuring. I panicked and jumped to the ceiling.

"Clint be more quite, pietro don't touch that" a womans voice could me heard

"But, wanda its coffee" a man cumplains

"Yeah wand's it coffee we need it, after the traffic we just indured" another mans voice but he seemed older than the other two

I went to take a peek and saw a young woman with brown hair Scolding two others,a man with blond hair and a young man with silver or gray hair.

I was about to leave when red glowing stuff appeared around me i was suddenly dragfed by a force an tossed to the ground I landed on my back and got surrounded by the three.

I nervously chuckled "Hi"


Sorry for the long break I was ya

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