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C H A P T E R  O N E
( eyes are the windows to the soul )

C H A P T E R  O N E( eyes are the windows to the soul )

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THE HARMONISING CHIRPS OF MANY DIFFERENT BIRDS MERGE TOGETHER TO BESTOW A MELLOW SONG UPON THE EARS OF MANY, and the raven-haired women, whom of which sits alone at a park bench, bathes in the beautiful sounds that nature puts forth. The meandering autumn wind lightly brushes up against her skin, the breeze neither too hot nor too cold. Her chocolate coloured eyes gaze eagerly upon the foreign environment that surrounds her, ensuring that she doesn't take any moment of her time within the county of Japan for granted, knowing that she may never glance upon a place so breathtaking again. She occasionally scribbles down a few words upon the notepad sprawled out in front of her, writing down whatever thoughts just happen to come to her mind.

Her meandering gaze finally settles upon a man who lingers upon the pathway through the park, his steps unhurried so that he can soak in the immense beauty of the landscapes around him. The woman's gaze follows him throughout his every movement, her imagination taking the small hints about his motivations for being there that his body language and facial expressions give off, and running wild with whatever intricate backstories she can concoct. Without giving her future actions any further thought, she takes her pen within her grasp, allowing herself to rapidly write down the many daydreams of a false reality that flood her mind upon every glance of the stranger. Situations such as these were not uncommon for the writer to encounter, as she had always found herself deeply intrigued by the notion that every passing person, regardless of how boring they may seem, has a past full of many interesting things and countless difficulties, just as anyone else has. And thus, her imagination took great pride in mapping out what the most interesting possibilities for someone's past could be, and forming it into what she could only hope was a compelling story.

It was just woman's luck that when her eyes flicker up to look upon the intriguing stranger once more, that their gazes would meet. She instantly takes a quick note of the way his hazel eyes glisten underneath the sunlight, an aspect of the stranger she had not been able to observe previously and was a vital element of truly understanding another human being. Although the statement 'eyes are the windows to the soul' was a greatly overused statement, it remained true accurate regardless of the amount it was spoken of. Without witnessing the vast sea of emotions that the eyes possess, you can not know what a person had experienced, as neither come words nor actions could speak loud enough to explain the past. Eyes were the only thing that held such an ability, as masking the emotions within your eyes is no small feat to conquer, and comes along with years of putting up a false facade.

And when she looked deep within the man's eyes, she could find that the most prominent emotions were awe and content, such emotions stemming from his experience of walking through such a heavenly environment. Glint's of curiosity shone through also, ones which the girl could only assume were aimed toward her, as it wasn't an normal occurrence that you'd catch a strange woman staring at you from a nearby park bench. Other emotions are weaved much more scarcely throughout his shining eyes, ones that she couldn't quite identify, the distance between the two being majorly at fault for this. But the fact that she had yet to figure out the deep-woven intricacies that are hidden away within his gaze only furthers her already heightened sense of intrigue, the woman wanting to connect the dots of what made him tick.

DREAMER, joe mazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now