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( when two souls connect )

C H A P T E R  T W O( when two souls connect )

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THE CHOCOLATE COLOURED EYES OF CAMERON ALYSSA FLICKER AROUND THE BREATHTAKING PARK IN WHICH SHE MEANDERS THROUGH, the leaves that crunch beneath her feet completely ignorant to the focused, blissful state that the woman finds herself encapsulated within, holding no care if their hushed noises threatened to tear her mind away from her trance-like state. A small, satisfied smile graces her lips, one which was freely displayed for all onlookers to glance upon, the atmosphere of the natural area so easily transferring its positive energy upon the woman.

The leisurely steps which the girl takes throughout the open area only lead her closer to the park bench, the same seat which she had positioned herself upon over the course of her past few visits. Her fingers remain tightly clasped around the hard exterior of her notebook, something, to anyone who cared enough to notice this minuscule detail about her, seemed to be an item which she would have on her person at all times. She had yet to write anything within it since she had first crossed the entrance of the park, as that was a procedure that only commences when she gets comfortable upon the park bench, and inspiration is bestowed upon her brain. But, on this very occasion, the tradition that had formed over the days prior would be delayed, as she found a familiar figure already positioned upon the wooden bench.

"You're early," Cameron looks up toward the male with a singular eyebrow arched, the words of an inquisitive manner passing by her lips as she reaches her most inquisitive favoured sitting spot. The man, upon hearing the familiar voice of the woman he had been patiently waiting for, directs his attention toward the newcomer, and Cameron quickly takes notice of the spark of joy that flashes through his eyes when their gazes first meet.

"Well, you know what they say," Joe offers the writer a kind beaming smile, the upturning of his lips only growing in pace with each second that passes by. He shuffles his body over a little as to ensure that the female would have enough room to sit comfortably upon the park bench, and not feel forced to linger within such close proximities to him if she didn't desire to do so. "The early bird gets the worm."

Returning the same heart-warming smile to the male without a singular moment's hesitation, Cameron gently sits down on the seat beside him, leaving only a few centimetres of distance remaining between the pair. She carefully places her notebook down upon her lap, not yet opening the writing book, finding that writing down her imaginative thoughts in the presence of another individual whom she didn't entirely know was an odd sensation, as they often made judgements about her based solely upon the words she scribbles down. Although she highly doubted that Joe would do such a thing, she didn't want to test her theory, as she quite liked the level of friendship they seemed to possess at the current moment. "I wasn't aware that six o'clock in the evening was early."

"Still earlier than you," Joe allows a small chuckle to pass by his lips as he utters the few words of joking,  small chuckle slips past his lips as he utters these few words of joking, raising his eyebrows in the direction of the writer in a manner of playfulness. "You're becoming slower in your old age, Cameron."

DREAMER, joe mazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now