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the experience of living  )

C H A P T E R  F O U R(  the experience of living  )

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THE GAZE OF CAMERON ALYSSA LINGERS UPON THE BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED SCENE OF THE CARNIVAL, a twinkle of almost childlike excitement shimmering within the chocolate colour of her eyes. A vastly spreading grin, caused by the blissful euphoria that had sparked within her, tugs upon the outer edges of her lips as she glances upon the heavenly sight before her. The exultant atmosphere that had long settled upon the environment was exceedingly enchanting, pulling in all those granted the gift of looking upon it.

Joe joyously observes the face of the female beside him as it visibly lights up at the mere sight of the place he had led her two, finding a grande sense of content within the fact that her heart had been filled with such ease, even before they had the chance to experience what lies within the carnival. The night had barely reached its beginning, yet the male actor still possessed the preconceived notion that the events that had yet to come would be ones he'd ever want to fade, and would remain locked away within his mind as precious memories.

"Shall we?" Joe uses his hands to gesture toward the carnival that lies ahead, the event that, although they had yet to even step foot within it, had already brought them great elation. The smile that had crossed his lips only grows more extensive with every fleeting moment, soon settling on a size that could match the grin of his female counterpart.

Cameron's gaze finally flickers away from the view she possesses of the carnival, her eyes instead focusing upon the man who remains by her side. When their eyes reach a mutual meeting point, the writer can feel her heartbeat speed up ever so slightly, an unintentional action she could only blame upon the excitement that washes over her, the anticipation of what's to come overwhelmingly strong. "We shall."

With these few, simple words of acceptance uttered into the air by the mellifluous voice that belonged solely to the female, Joe links his arm with that of the girl beside him; a gesture which was, for the most part, only displayed toward the ends of cliche romance movies. But the writer, who was a person who usually despised the notion of cliche's, doesn't hold any dislike toward this action, finding their closeness to possess an odd sensation of comfort. The two, arm in arm, begin meandering throughout the makeshift paths that had been created to accommodate the people of the carnival, the male of the two allowing the other time to soak in the cheerful atmosphere that surrounds them.

"What do you want to do first?" After countless minutes of simply strolling through the intricacies that had come together to form the carnival, the voice of Joe echoes throughout the evening air, the man finally deciding it was the appropriate time commence their movement forward in their night.

"I'm not really sure," Cameron hums these few words of an unsure nature, her voice only just reaching the level of audibility. Her gaze focuses upon the features of the man beside her, which were illuminated by the small quantities of sunlight that had yet to fade away, her words that follow flowing out without any level of insecurity. "The last time I attended an event like this was when I was six. And even then, I was only allowed to go on two rides."

DREAMER, joe mazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now