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( a change of usual scenery  )

C H A P T E R  T H R E E(  a change of usual scenery  )

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"IS THERE ANY SPECIFIC REASON YOU'RE CARRYING A CARDBOARD CUTOUT?" The distinctive voice of Cameron flows easily throughout the open space of the park, the tone of confusion laced deep within her voice unable to go unheard. Her eyes are locked upon the quickly approaching figure Joe, who clumsily shambles toward where the female sits idle, maneuvering his way throughout the park whilst having a cardboard cut-out within his arms. An amused grin remains plastered upon his ever upturned lips, only growing larger with each step he takes closer to the female, of whom he could call a friend.

"I wanted to introduce you to someone very special to me," an echoing laugh escapes from Joe's throat as he utters the sentence in response, unable to hold a straight face while talking about a topic that forever remained so funny to him. When he finally reaches the park bench, which had become a tradition for them to meet at, he sits himself down on the wooden structure, gently standing up the cutout beside him. "And he doesn't appreciate being referred to as only a cardboard cutout, he has a name."

"Well, what is it then?" Cameron raises an eyebrow in inquiry toward the male. Although she found the situation that she was in to be absolutely ridiculous, she couldn't help but allow a small spark of joy to ignite deep within her, and thus, she made the decision to follow along with the man's antics. "If he has a name, I'd love to know it."

"His name is cardboard Ben, named after my costar who looks eerily similar to him. But, many people, mostly those online, prefer to refer to him as Ben Cardy," Joe states confidently in reply, trying so desperately to keep his composure as he explains the name of the cutout to the woman whom he had now encountered many times.

"I'll make sure I address him by his proper name next time. I wouldn't want to show him any disrespect," the Australian woman smiles, her eyes flickering away from the unusual scene which was unfolding before her, her gaze settling upon her notebook instead. She quickly scribbles a few keywords onto the slightly bent pages, Joe staring upon her with wonder as she does so.

"When are you going to show me what's you're always writing?" Joe voices his inward fascinations toward the woman, his gaze that lingers upon her one of a soft nature.

Cameron, having been too distracted by her writings to fully take in what the man had said, she looks up from her work with an expression of confusion. "What?"

"I mean, you always seem to be adding something to that book of yours," Joe gestures toward the notebook as these words escape his mouth, the gaze of Cameron following this motion. "I can't help but be a little curious as to what you have to say."

"Maybe one day you'll be lucky enough to see," Cameron smirks up at the slightly taller man, the upturning of her lips possessing a playful air to them. "Anyway, how was your day?"

DREAMER, joe mazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now