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C H A P T E R  S E V E N
( the last day spent together )

C H A P T E R  S E V E N(  the last day spent together  )

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CAMERON ALYSSA MEANDERINGLY WANDERS THROUGHOUT THE BUSTLING, yet breathtaking streets that come together to form the Japanese city, her arm linked with that of the man beside her, the man who is leading her through the grande foreign environment. A grin of vast sizes spreads across the entirety of her mouth's width, the gesture being one which felt almost uncontrollable, as the sparkle of joy in which glistens deep within her chocolate coloured eyes had yet to fade into the realm of nothingness. And this deeply woven emotion seemed to be one which was perfectly mirrored by the man by her side, as his lips were pulled even further upward than her own.

"We're almost there," Joe announces this soul fact with copious amounts of pride flowing with his each an every word, his usual tone of merriment still present within his voice; an emotion which was utterly contagious to all those around him. His eyes flicker downward to gaze upon the woman who lingers by his side, his heart obviously fluttering when their eyes come to meet. And in return, she sends a whole-hearted smile upward directly to him, only further elating his already joyous heart.

And, just a mere few minutes later, once the pair had reached the location, Joe takes it upon himself to obscure the vision of the female by covering her eyes with his hands, as to ensure that the anticipation in which lingered over them was drawn out as long as possible. Although the female does indeed utter a few words of false distaste toward his actions, she allows the male to lead her to wherever he may please without any non-playful hesitancy, the smile worn upon her lips only growing larger.

"You ready?" The quiet, mellifluous voice of Joe, which had newly become one of her most highly favoured sounds, whispers quietly into the ear of the brunette, and, although her vision was covered by the hands of the male, Cameron could practically hear the smile in which shone with ease through his words. Thus, she nods in response, eager to bestow upon her eyes whatever magnificent sights Joe had decided to show her that day.

And if Cameron were to say that her already incredibly peaking expectations were met by the sights which her eyes gaze upon, it would be the grandest understatement to have ever escaped her mouth. Before her lies a beach of magnificent beauty, a landscape that brought astonishment into the hearts of all those who are lucky enough to view it, doing so with a great level of ease. The waves crash softly upon the near golden coloured sand that comes together to create the shoreline, the effects of nature neither being too much nor too little on that sole day. Although the location was not overly crowded, a few various people linger around upon the sand, a blissful atmosphere of joyousness lingering amongst them.

And it is as the writer stares out upon this scene, with her eyes ever so slightly glazed over with unshed tears of happiness, she can't help but feel her heart obviously uplift. Sure, Cameron Alyssa has seen countless, breathtaking beaches throughout her time on earth, located in various countries, but there was something about this one that made it seem significantly more special, so rare about the formation before her. Something about how he had been the one to lead her to such an environment sparked joy and wonder deep within her, reigniting past flames of emotions she had believed to be long gone. And yes, maybe the sandy shores were not all that unlike those she had visited in times that had come to pass, but the presence of Joe made it an experience worth remembering.

DREAMER, joe mazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now