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rekindling what came first  )

C H A P T E R  S I X(  rekindling what came first  )

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"FANCY SEEING YOU HERE," the all too familiar, mellifluous voice that belongs solely to Joe floats easily throughout the joyous atmosphere of the park, this sound being one that was like music to Cameron Alyssa's ears. Her chocolate coloured eyes flicker upward to gaze upon the swiftly approaching figure of the male, a grin of genuine merriment tugging the edges of her lips upward, an expression of delight passing over her features.

"I could have never been able to anticipate this encounter," Cameron allows this short, teasing reply to pass by her lightly painted lips with ease, and, although her voice held undeniable levels of sarcasm, she hadn't failed to notice that the words uttered by the man only a few moments prior are an exact match to those he had used to initiate their first ever conversation. The woman then scoots over upon the seat ever so slightly, allowing the man enough room to comfortably sit on the park bench beside her.

Gratuitously taking the woman's offer for him to sit upon the bench, Joe allows himself a few moments to simply observe the female he lingers beside, his hazel eyes, which glisten with what could only be described as sheer happiness, gazing over her. He quickly comes to notice that, for the first occasion since he had first met the woman, she hadn't been in possession of her beloved notebook, something which he had come to believe she carried everywhere. "You don't have your notebook with you. Why's that?"

"I came to the conclusion that, for this singular day at the very least, I'd live within the real world, instead of locked away in my own fantasies," the woman commences her attempt of explaining her reasoning, both sets of eyes settling within the gaze of the other. "I'll always be able to transcribe my thoughts in the later hours of the night after I have come to truly experience the day."

"You sure are something, Cameron," the man directs a beaming, playful smile to vast sizes toward the writer that is positioned beside him, a glistening sensation of wonder visible within his beautifully coloured eyes. His words, however, only cause the female to raise a singular eyebrow in his direction, the words that had rolled off his lips sparking recognition within his mind.

"Are you attempting to woo me over using the repetition of the same words you spoke upon our first meeting, Joseph?" the edges of her lips can't help but twitch upward as she utters these few words, and although her words were ones that posed a question, she already held the knowledge of what the answer was to be.

"You caught me there," a smirk of almost childlike mischievousness flickers over the lips of Joe, the man allowing a slight chuckle to bypass the grasps of his lips with ease. "But that doesn't make my point any less truthful."

A laugh of genuine causes ricochets from the throat of Cameron, this joyous sound passing through the atmosphere for a few moments of complete and utter bliss, which only appears to widen the grin now plastered upon Joe's lips. And, after the woman's laughter reaches a still point, although a smile still lingers upon her lips, she gazes upward toward the slightly older male, a question spilling from her lips, "So, Joseph, has anything life-altering occurred since our last meeting?"

DREAMER, joe mazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now