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( the power of loving )

C H A P T E R  F I V E(  the power of loving  )

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THE BACK OF CAMERON ALYSSA GENTLY BRUSHES AGAINST THE BARK OF AN OLD MAPLE TREE, the woman's focus once again having become utterly entangled by the writings she scribbles within the pages of her beloved notebook. A smile crafted from a genuine feeling of content doesn't fade from her soft lips for even a fraction of a second, as the joy that had been bestowed upon her throughout the events of the carnival still lingering within her, her lips remaining upturned long after the pair had left the location, and had been consumed by a comfortable silence.

The hour in which the female had initially promised the co-stars of Joe that she'd return him home by had long come to pass, but they appeared to care very little for this fact, as had been expressed through the texts that Joe had received after alerting them of his late arrival. And, instead of returning back to the hotel room, even as the clock ticks past the hours in which he'd normally find himself asleep, Joe now sits directly by the side of the writer, simply admiring her the woman while she is intoxicated by her focused state of mind. The notion of averting his gaze from the features of the female seemed to be a difficult thought within his mind, as the incredibly intriguing mannerisms, along with the natural beauty that he only he managed to see deep inside her, all coming together to truly enchant him.

Cameron, once she had completed inscribing the thoughts that frantically rush around her mind, or at least the ones that she decided were of the utmost importance, gently closes her notebook. Once she had ensured that her internal feelings were copied down so that she could reflect upon them on days other than the current one, the woman had wanted to share many more interactions with the man who had done so much for her throughout the duration of that evening, opposed to simply describing her dreams of any further encounters as he watches her do so. She carefully places the item down upon the grass directly beside her, lying the pen, which was nearly emptied of all its ink, on top its cover. Joe, picking up on the fact that the female's writing session had met its conclusion, speaks the first word of this new conversation.

"Do you like this place?" the melodious voice that belongs only to Joe breaks through the silence with ease, his inquiry referring to the lakefront which he had led the female to, and they were now situated at. It had been a location which, by some good fortune, he had stumbled upon throughout his travels within Japan, and upon first glancing toward it, he had known the environment would be one the writer would appreciate greatly.

"I love it," Cameron's lips meanderingly flicker upwards to form a joyous grin, one which stretched to vast lengths, the woman's eyes glistening with uncontrollable shimmers of genuine elation. Her gaze soon comes to find a mutual meeting point with the hazel coloured eyes of the man beside her, who had been the one to lead her on this beguiling journey that would forever remain present within her mind, locked away as one of her most valued memories. "Although, I doubt experience I encounter now will be able to out-do the carnival. That place truly was wonderful."

DREAMER, joe mazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now