Chapter 4

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A guy with a dyed hair and wearing a black hoodie stepped in. Jin gasped as soon as he saw him and stood up.
You looked at him. Does he know this guy?

"Jin sit down" Rosè gestured him.
Jin excused himself from the classroom and went out.

"Well that was a bit weird" you said to Rosè. The lecturer calmed everyone down and said " His name is Choi Seung Cheol." He looked kinda creepy but you can't judge a guy by the way he looks.

He lifted his head up and said " Hi. You can call me S.Coups." The lecturer nodded and said that he can sit in the seat next to you and Rosè . You panicked since he looked really weird and begged Rosè to exchange seats with you but she didn't.

 You panicked since he looked really weird and begged Rosè to exchange seats with you but she didn't

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"Hi!" He smiles at me while flipping his hair


You looked at him and then at Jin's empty seat.

"Hey, you look....." He began but didn't finish.

"I guess I'm getting way too involved here, my name is S.Coups but you knew that, I'm new here but I figure that when someone greets you, you greet back!" He smirked.

"Huh? Yes, my name is Y/N, nice to meet you!" You replied feeling a little better that he started to talk.

"You're that cute girl right? I saw you when I first stepped into your school!" S.Coups smiled.

So he turns out to be a flirt! Why can't guys be like Kim Seokjin, come of think of it, where is he? You thought to yourself.

"No! I'm not a flirt if you're thinking that? I'm just not that good at communicating so I'm sorry if you thought I was flirting with you, I was honestly complimenting you. I guess I came on a bit too strong!" He read your thoughts.

"I didn't mind that, you' look nice!" You hesitated, but what could you really say to a guy who compliments you and then admits that he did it out of "honesty".

"Who are you waiting for?" He asked leaning in close to your face.

You gulped.

He bit his lip and looked into your eyes. You felt strange almost as if he was searching you, as if he was looking inside you. You never left that way before, and not in a good way. What was his deal? What was he looking for? Why did he seem to take interest in you?
"He's here? And so is a thousand people? What do I do?" Jin asked his phone to his ear.
"I don't care, I just can't let anyone get hurt?" He spoke.

"I—I understand!" Jin plopped the phone into his pocket and walked to class as the bell rang indicating that class was over.

He heard laughter coming from the classroom and he rushed in to find the teacher gone. S.Coups was sitting beside you and Wonho was telling him a joke.

"You've got some pretty good friends, I think I'll like it here with you.....guys! All of you!" S.Coups said but you could tell that he was looking at you again.

There was something about his eyes? When they looked at you and maybe you only felt it but it felt like they couldn't penetrate your souls, see through you, and it was a very unsettling feeling.

"Hey Kim SeokJin, right? Y/N told me about you, you're her friend right? S.Coups smiles politely and raised his hand but Jin didn't shake it.
"Okay, looks like you're the cold, silent type!" He shrugged his shoulders and added.

"He doesn't go here. He just wanted to see my college." You told him and took Jin arm and rushed out of the class. You looked at Jin he seemed to be worried.

"Is something wrong?" You asked looking at him. He turned his head to look at you and smiled. "Not at all. I just feel a little weird since I don't know anyone here"

 I just feel a little weird since I don't know anyone here"

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I guess he felt like an outcast. Well  you probably can't take him to every class so you decided to find a club he could join before my free period to keep him occupied.

"Jin what are u interest....." but you couldn't finish your question because Jin cut in and asked if he could use a computer around here.

"Of course." This is a college after all. You took him to one of the huge computer labs that most of the engineering students used. Since the computer was for students to use you had to sign in with your ID.

You left him the computer lab quite startled by his strange behaviour but you brushed it off as you thought he is just not comfortable in the school environment. You hurried to your next class as you were already late.

As you entered you saw that the lecturer was already in the class so you apologized for being late and saw that the only seat vacant was next to S.Coups you sighed and sat down next to him keeping your gaze on the teacher.

During the lecturer you saw him staring at you but whenever you turned your head he always looked away. You were already creeped by this guy and couldn't wait for class to be over. One cause you wanted to go away from him and second it was lunch period and your were hungry.

Soon the bell rang and the lecturer dismissed the class. You took out your phone to text Jin and tell him where you were. After texting you looked up from your phone to see him standing right in front of you smiling.

You backed off a little. "Can I help you?" You asked smiling awkwardly. He smirked at you "Are you avoiding me beautiful?"
"Not at all. I just need to catch up with some friends. Is it ok if I leave first?"
"Of course" he smiled and let you go.

You left the classroom and sighed in relief. You checked your phone and saw that Jin still didn't reply. You decided to go and get him yourself.

As you entered the computer lab you saw that Jin was talking on the phone . You knew it was wrong but you wanted to know what Jin was talking about and to who so you crept up behind him.

"Yes I understand. Don't worry it will be secret. I've looking into it."

Secret? Was Jin keeping secrets from you?

He shut the phone and you quickly stepped back like you didn't hear a thing.

"Jin?" You called. He turned around.
"Would you like to eat lunch with me and my friends?"
"Sure" he followed you to the cafeteria.

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