Chapter 11: Ambitious Theory

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A/N: *Pokes head out of the closet* ... Umm, hello!

So yeah, um, I'M REALLY SORRY!!!! QwQ Honest to God, simply getting a new chapter release should not be taking me over 2 months, let alone one of the shortest chapters in the story. My October ended up getting very filled not just because I had very little free time, but I also took it upon myself to do an art challenge called Inktober and that took up the whole month as well. I've felt extremely guilty for neglecting this story, especially because of how many people I've seen endlessly praise me for it (THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOU GUYS ALWAYS MAKE ME SO HAPPY!!! <33), so even when I felt awful and told myself I need to keep writing, I somehow just never got the time. Most of November's been in quite the same fashion, where I was doing a musical for a week that took up basically all of my time, and then grade 11 homework has been an all time high for the past 2 weeks and dragged me into the dark abyss of exhaustion. EXCUSES ASIDE HOWEVER, I finally found the time to return to my writings and officially finish chapter 11! Like I said, it's a short one, and almost acts a little bit more like filler but also sets things up for next chapter (Which will be longer), so I hope you'll still enjoy it!

For those of you worried that I'll quit on this story before it's finished, don't worry, that won't happen. As you've now seen, there will be some periods of time when I can't upload a new chapter for a while, but I promise to keep this story going until the end! I'm too determined and excited about it to have it stop mid-story, that would just suck XD

Anyhow, thank you so much for bearing with me and continuing to support this fanfiction! I love you all, and now that I've gotten my life back on track, I hope you enjoy chapter 11 of Fatal Dreaming! <3


"I don't know if it's worth looking into this Marinette..."

"But Tikki.... what if I'm right?"


"What if Adrien really IS Chat Noir?!"

Marinette was poised in her pink rolling chair in her bedroom, one leg folded over the other, fingers to chin with a determined curiosity. Displayed on her desktop screen was two references that she had gathered; A portrait of Adrien in a blue suit from one of his photo shoots (one of her personal favourite outfits of his), and next to it was a photo of her as Ladybug posing for a magazine cover with Chat Noir.

"Both tall, teenage blond guys," Marinette continued rambling to her kwami, "Adrien wears that silver ring on his right hand, and he runs off at a lot of the same times that I do when I need to transform! How did I never see this until now?"

Tikki flew in front of her bothered expression with a worried look of her own.

"He could just be running to safety like most of the other students, and a lot of teenage guys out there are tall and blonde. Please Marinette, this isn't something you should be looking into!" she pleaded. "Chat Noir's identity is supposed to remain a secret, just like yours. That's how it should be. Even if it was Adrien, I don't think he'd be very happy about someone discovering that he's Chat Noir..."

Marinette grumbled and rubbed her palms against her face with frustration at herself. "I know Tikki, I know! I want to slap myself out of it really badly, but just at how many similarities they both have I can't help but be curious!"

The kwami nodded to her. "I understand Marinette, however it's better to let it go. Just remember that they both have a lot of differences as well."

She thought for a few moments, holding the same position in the chair and tapping her chin.

I suppose Tikki does have a point there. Adrien's super classy, smart, handsome and calm, whereas Chat Noir is usually just a friendly dork who likes making puns and acts like an excited kitten. He feels kind of more like a brother to me sometimes, while Adrien is the guy of my dreams!

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