Chapter 18: Race for a Remedy

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A/N: So, uh, spoiler alert... I didn't get my act together. I won't go into the details, but lets just say I went away from home for a week, could only work on finishing the chapter on my phone, and when fixing up the final draft I added about 2000 more words. Sorry for making you guys wait again, clearly schedules and I just don't go well together XD

But chapter 18 is finally here!! Surprisingly no warnings this time around, this chapter is pretty dialogue-heavy with a lot of exposition (and emotions, as always), that will help to set things up for the chapters to come! This is arguably the last chill chapter, from here on out I have 1 more chapter planned that will include some fluff but otherwise everything after this includes action, angst, whump, and everything in between. Also as a side note, I threw in a little kwami headcanon of mine that as far as I know hasn't really been displayed in the show, but I love the idea of every kwami being connected to one another and being unable to keep the world in order without each other, soooo yeah I threw that in in this chapter ^^

As always, thank you for all of your continued support on this story! Enjoy!


The ever so familiar Ladybug of Paris' rooftops landed into Adrien's bedroom through his window with a thud. He walked over to greet his Lady with a smile.

"Good morning Bugaboo," Adrien said, trying to make himself sound brighter than he felt.

Unfortunately for his attempt, Ladybug stood up from her landing crouch and was instantly able to recognize his false demeanor.

"I know that you wouldn't have asked me to come over here for nothing, silly. You don't need to act like everything is alright when you're around me, what's the matter?" she asked, getting straight to the point.

Adrien debated holding his pretend smile for a moment, but it wasn't hard to let his resolve crumble to pieces when he decided against it.

"Everything... everything is the matter," he stated dejectedly. "I don't know what to do, Mari. I woke up this morning and I-I suddenly felt like I was spiraling into this darkness... I don't even know how to describe it. It felt like I was going crazy."

He shivered.

"I came so close to just... giving up on it all. I wouldn't stop shooting down Plagg's attempts to help me, and now he's...."

Adrien sat down at the edge of his bed with his head low and sighed miserably, running a hand through his hair.

"Plagg ran away, he's been gone for nearly half an hour now. I messed up so bad, and I don't know what I'll do if I can't find him. He could be anywhere."

Ladybug's eyes flashed with concern, but she gave him a confident nod anyway. If she was hiding her worries to try and help him feel better, then he appreciated it.

She raised her chin and said, "Spots off," before a pink shower of sparkles promptly surrounded her and turned her back to her quirky teenager identity.

Adrien could feel his heart fluttering merely at the sight of her in front of him, finding reasons to love every single feature of the girl. The way her raven hair shone blue when in the light, the gentle touch of her hands whenever they brushed his skin, and the knowledge of the sweet taste of her lips.

How he had been so utterly oblivious for such a long time, he didn't know.

Marinette gave him a reassuring smile and took his hand as she sat by his side.

"It's gonna be okay, I'll help you find Plagg and we'll sort all of this out," she said.

Adrien sadly blinked at her. She could read him like a picture book.

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