Chapter 16: Fairytale

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A/N: I'm keeping this short and sweet.



Now that my long overdue apology is done... HI GUYS!! I'M BACK, I TOLD YOU I WOULDN'T GIVE UP ON THIS FIC!!!

I've got a few things to say beforehand! The reason I've been pretty quiet about this chapter and how WAY overdue it is, is simply because my real life has been busier lately than I've ever experienced before in my entire life :/ I was heavily involved in a musical production for a few weeks from March to April, once that was finished I received an absolute downpour of assignments, reports, projects, etc. from school that kept going on and on and never gave me a break until a couple weeks ago, I took drivers-ed for a few weeks at the start of May with a total class time of 20 hours, AND to top it all off my family has constantly had events planned every other weekend and there were a ton of school trips. Long story short, I had LITTLE TO NO FREE TIME FOR ALMOST 2 MONTHS, and it was really killer guys I tell ya, but I manage to pull through with strong grades, I finally got this very long-ass chapter finished, and the workload has finally settled into a smaller amount :')

So yeah, I normally try to finish a chapter in 3-4 weeks with the typical schedule that I have, but this time it just wasn't possible. Now when it come to the future of this fic's updates I am unsure, because I am actually going away to work at a kids camp for nearly the entire two months of my summer (I know I know, it's sucks that I have to grow up and get a summer job X3). I'm working and living at an outdoor camp without internet for 7 weeks, and I do get 4 weekends off to spend at home, but basically I won't have access to internet very much for July and August. My solution to this is that in my free time at the camp, I'm going to write down the future chapters into a notebook so that I can transfer them to a computer later on, but sadly I think you guys should expect no updates over the summer. I will try my best to finish one more chapter by the end of June, but no promises!

Anyway, with all of the update bullcrap out of the way, the new chapter is finally here! This is one that I've been looking forward to for a long time, and is made as a way to conclude the romantic subplot between Marinette and Adrien that's been an active focus since chapter 11. This chapter mainly focuses on them working out their supportive relationship and how they will carry it to the future, and note this is the LONGEST CHAPTER TO DATE, so strap in! After this one is over, the rest of the story will be back to focusing on Adrien's curse, but I believe you'll all like this chapter very much ;)

Just a quick disclaimer: I don't know anything about schooling systems in France. Personally, I live in Canada, where our school years finish in June and our schools will host special dances or formals for the students a few times a year as fun events. So that is what I have applied in this chapter, please do not judge me if I'm terribly terribly wrong ^^' Also, some of the newer characters to the show such as Kagami and Luka do get a mention in this chapter. I absolutely love both of them, but I wanted to find a way to keep them out of this story, so that's what I did. Case closed!

Thank you so so much for the endless patience and support you guys give to me!! I love you all so much for taking the time to read, and your words truly do motivate me further! Without further adieu, please enjoy this new chapter! <3


Minor Chapter Warnings:

- Profanity

- Minor anxiety attacks

-Minor injury and fake death

-Enough fluffiness to kill a man


A shudder like the most icy cold rippled through his spine. The moment Adrien could feel his consciousness slipping into the waking world, there was one thing that he immediately knew: something wasn't right.

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