Miss Miller

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I was travelling alone to our home in Houston. My mother and father both would meet me there a day or two after. I was relieved too escape their company after all the planning I had to endure, still my odd guard sat opposite me in the carriage although I wasn't completely alone he at least did not speak to me besides this time at our holiday home would be my last before I lost all time of my own. -so I set my head back and relaxed my mind sinking into a book I took from my fathers study.

The carriage bumped and rattled as we moved from the stone too a dirt road slowing us down. We were a long way from the town now which meant we would reach Houston soon. My stomach churned and twisted when I peered through the carriage curtains I noticed the scenery and hill side we were approaching and quickly closed the curtain sitting back.
"There's a while until we arrive right?" I asked the guard
"Of course we just left" I continued
I was scared too arrive because before I knew it the visit would be over and I would have to return too-
I leapt our of my seat I heard one loud voice and then a shriek.
"Wait here Miss Miller" the guard grumbled before he took out his musket and jumped out the carriage slamming the door shut.
I heard muffled shouting between the guard another man followed by two loud bangs and something hitting the dirt.

I paused a moment before slowly pushing open the carriage door and quietly stepping out ducking beside the carriage and looking around the corner. A tall strapping man wearing a red bandana over his Lower face and a black Stetson pulled over his eyes lugged my carriage driver, who he had tied up, onto one of the carriage horses before unlatching it from the carriage and slapping its behind sending the horse whinnying and running up the road. He sighed watching it gallop away before removing the bandana revealing a defined, stubbled jaw. I watched silently as he turned back and knelt down. I raised my head and watched in shock as he rummaged through the pockets of the Now dead guard who was laid in a puddle of blood. The highwaymen removed the guards coin purse and flask, then placing them in a bag slung over his midnight horse.
He turned back to the carriage looking into the front glass window. He removed his Stetson completely revealing his face to me. He had bottle green eyes and dirty blonde hair that he pushed back as he looked into the glass. I took one step back accidentally hitting a stick and cracking it.
He flinched swiping the sleek pistol from his holster. I quickly turned away quietly scrambling too the other-side of the carriage and looking over my shoulder.
I turned back and was greeted by the barrel of a gun.

"Who the hell are you?" I demanded as he threw me over his shoulder.
He didn't say anything just put me in the Carriage and closed the door. I waited a second and then leapt towards the centre window of the carriage and looked through the curtain.
"FUUUUCK!" He shouted the throwing his hat down and kicking the dirt. "DAMNIT I SHOULD'VE CHECKED!" 
"Ha ha" I couldn't help but giggle

A few minuets past before he calmed down I watched as he picked up his hat and took a breath. he walked towards the carriage and I sat back in the seat, lifting my shoulders and folding my arms. He furiously opened the door. Looking me in the eyes
"Got a name?"
"Miss miller"
"Your actual name" he sighed
"Courtney Miller"
"Should've checked" I mocked him Turning my head away stubbornly.
"Fuck sakes" he said louder this time slamming the door again and pacing away.
"Huh!" I flung open the door and lifted my dress slightly to climb out.
"Hey!" I shouted at him
He ignored me again
"Ugh" I walked sternly towards him
"You giant oaf! Listen to me!"
Still nothing
Angrily I picked up a stone and threw it directly at him
"Ouch!" He turned to me
Immediately I regretted this I had just thrown a rock at a dangerous highwayman.
"Well I- Uh well- You tell me who the hell you are!" I demanded
"That's none of your business!" He said stepping towards me intimidatingly.
"Well- well -you You Must! I demand it!"
"Shut up!" He screeched
"Fine. Well at least kill me now" I closed my eyes and waited

"I can't kill you." He sighed
"I don't kill women or kids" he sighed again
"Wow a criminal with morals" I said sarcastically.
"I could still change my mind" he said looking at me
"I-" I shut up this time.
"What am I going to do with you" he grumbled
"Just let me go if you can't kill me"
"You've seen me now can't just send you off tied up like your driver"
"I- I won't say a word"
"Can't trust a folk like you" he shook his head
"Because 'folks' like me are lying criminals" I said sarcastically
"Yes" he nodded seriously
"Ah I see. Well I'm not so just let me go and we can both get on with our lives"
"Where were you headed?" He folds his arms
"You have clothes and stuff?"
"Of course you idiot"
He shook his head
"Fancy clothes are worth a lot" he shrugged
Then the thought surfaced in my mind
"What if I went to England?"
"What in hells n-"
"Hear me out you get me to a ship out of America what I won't be able to tell anyone"
"Hmm why are you so keen to leave America?" He asked suspiciously
"Better than dying" I shrugged
"Hm" he paused "Ill do it."

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