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Once again I was staring at the road. I was sat clenching Shayne's waist as we made are way down the path. Each shadow and noise was another coyote. "How much longer until we reach the city?" I said nervously
"A day or so but there's a town up ahead" he shrugged.
"Okay" i nodded hugging myself a little tighter into Shayne.
An hour or so past and we reached a great ridge. Below was a small town.
"See look silverton" Shayne pointed to the horizon
"It's a mining town?"
"Yes ma'am" he nodded adjusting his Stetson
"And let me guess they mine silver?"
"Well no actually coal for the most part, they found a small fortune of it on the east side of town a while back but nothing since then." He explained
"They still named the place after it?"
"That's right" he said kicking the horse gently and sending us forward.
"It looks like a nice place" I smiled. Staring down at the glimmering rivers that trailed around the little civilisation.
"It's a well kept secret of the West"
"How so?"
"The folk are lovely real workers"
"That's nice"
"Yer it's a real community" he nodded slightly.
"How long till we get there?" I asked
"Not long" he said
Soon we reached the towns Entrance. It was just as he had described a bright little place with a few buildings and a number of mines.
Shayne stopped outside a small store and tied his horse before helping me down. I gathered myself before stretching out my legs.
It was 5 o clock by now and the roads seemed quiet. "Follow me" Shayne gestured
"Okay" I said. He lead us toward a small diner that was sat between the other stores. Inside I could see it was lit with candles and jovial laughter. It wasn't as busy as the Avery, not at all but once we stepped inside I saw a number of folks. There was a table filled with men wearing mining clothes and there were several other people dotted about. We approached the bar.
"Hey there do you have any rooms?"
"I don't think w-"
"Get out the both of you!" A short woman chased after a man and a woman who were holding there things.
"They weren't married Ennis! Can ya believe that!" She walked over
"I had no idea" he Widnes his eyes
"The audacity" she shook her head. They both had strong Irish accents.
"There's a room available now but not two" the man turned back to us.
"Oh-" I began
"We are married" Shayne interrupted
"Wha-" I began once again. Shayne stopped me by gently kicking my foot.
"Oh I mean yes"
"Two years" he smiled putting his arm around me.
"Grand I'll show you to the room" the small
Woman grinned.

"Thank you so much" I said
"No problem" the woman nodded before turning away down the stairs. Immediately I shoved Shayne off of me.
"Did you want to sleep on the road?"
"No" I said hesitantly "But you can sleep on the floor!" I huffed.
"Mhmm" he shrugged throwing his bags down.
I placed mine on the bed.  In the corner of the room behind a white cloth curtain was a bath tub.
"I'm having a bath" Shayne said.
"You'll have to fill it" I shrugged
"I will" he left the room"
After twenty minuets of him coming back and forth with buckets of hot water he had finally filled the bath and he shook his fist triumphantly.  "No peaking" he laughed pulling the curtain to cover the bath and retreating behind it.  He needed a bath. He was almost caked in dirt and it was in his now thick beard and long-ish shaggy hair. I began to brush my hair in the mirror but in the corner of the thing I could see his figure. I stared for a moment in awe before returning to my hair.

I stood and walked over to the wardrobe, tripping over Shayne's bag he had left in the middle of the floor.
"Ouch! Hey idiot why'd you leave your bags on the floor.
"Sorry" I heard him chuckled from behind the curtain. "Hand me the towel beside my bag"
"No" I protested walking back to the bed and perching on it.
"Fine" he said pushing the curtain aside.
"Ah!" I turned away. He was submerged in the water and fortunately I didn't see anything but it was still rude.
"Ha" he laughed again. I could hear the water sloshing around as he reached for the towel which had been a fair distance from the bath.
"Woah!" I heard him crash to the floor.
"Can I look?" I called back
I turned. He had the towel wrapped around his waist as he sat frowning on the floor. The entire bath was on its side and the water covered his roll out bed and the floor.
I began laughing hysterically at the sight.
"Stop it" he barked
"I'm sorry" I said holding in the laughter "I'll be downstairs" I turned away and out the door.
After a while Shayne joined me downstairs. He explained what happened to the woman to which she was kind and insisted it was fine.
"I'm so sorry" I said
"Really it's fine love" she smiled
"Yeah its grand don't worry" her husband chimed in looking up at the beads of water which were now dripping through the ceiling.
"I feel terrible" I turned to Shayne. He looked at me for a moment before looking around the empty bar. "Where did everyone go ma'am?"
"Back to there family's I s'pect and call me Colleen"
"And I'm eoin" her husband smiled
"I noticed your garden on our ride here"
"All the food is fresh" she smiled
"The least I could do is cook you a meal" Shayne shrugged
"Oh no it's fine love"
"No no please Colleen sit down I'll cook"
"He's really very good" I laughed
"Fine" Colleen beamed
"You sit down we will start"
"Feel free to use a chicken" she called over her shoulder as she left.
"Can you really cook?"
"You can't where did you Learn to do that?"
"Picked it up" he dismissed me before removing his dirty jacket.
"Go change before you do anything." I folded my arms.
"Those clothes are filthy" I chuckled
"I don't have any others"
"I should have a shirt in my luggage use that"
"Fine" he sighed giving me a suspicious look and walking upstairs.
I cleared the side and washed my hands. Shayne was taking a while so I thought I would check on him.
"HeY Shayne?" I opened the door.
"Ouch" Shayne flinched dropping the razor he was using to shave his face.
"What are you doing" I laughed stepping closer.
"Tryna shave but there ain't no mirrors" he sighed
"Here" I laughed picking up the razor and sitting beside him
"What are you doing?"
"Helping you dingus"
"Oh" he said
"Look up" I said placing my hands on his face
He obeyed and stared at the ceiling. I focused and gently glided the blade across his face. After a few minutes I had bested his shaggy beard and turned it to a clean smooth handsome looking face.
"While we are here please let me cut your hair" I laughed at his now shoulder length hair.
" what's wrong with it?" He protested
"You look stupid" I laughed
"Fine" he huffed removing his Stetson. I stood up and took a pair of scissors from the drawer.
"Not too short mind" he grunted
"Don't you worry" I laughed.
It took ten or so minutes but I tamed his hair into a neat hairstyle that flopped a little and could be easily made up to look nice with a little wax.
"All done"
"Good" he said reaching for his Stetson
"Don't put that old thing back on" I sighed
"Why not?"
"The hair it makes you look..." I paused before whispering "handsome"
"What did the lady just say to me!" He chuckled
"Well if your going to be so big headed then I take it back." I folded my arms
"Too late now my big handsome head is staying he pumped his fist in the air.
"Change into the shirt" I said
"Oh yeah it's a sure nice shirt proper fancy but why does a woman have such a fancy mans shirt?"
"I'll go get the oven heated" I said quickly before leaving the room.

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