My boys

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Shayne was passed out on the floor beside my bed. I stepped over him and into the main room. Tom greeted me with a smile and wave. I stepped closer and joined him on the table.
"Hello Tom" I smiled
"Well hey there Miss Miller" he grinned
"Where are all the men?" I yawned
"They'll be back soon just on a.. uh hunt"
"okay" I chuckled.
"Last day till you move on miss" Tom frowned
"I'll be sorry to go" I rubbed his arm and sympathetically grinned
"Where's Shayne?" Tom shrugged
"Unconscious on my floor" I shook my head
"Rough one?"
"I suppose so Tom" I turned away towards the kitchen
"You want something too eat Tom?"
"That'd be just fine miss" he smiled
"Okay" I scraped together a breakfast and took a jug and grilled it with water. Then marching into my room and throwing it over Shayne
"Wh- What? Where?"
"Mornin sweetie" I mocked
"Damnit lady" he yawned sitting up and shaking himself off like a dog.
"C'mon darlin'" I mocked once again.

Shayne, Tom and I sat down in the oddly quiet saloon.
"Where are the guys" Shayne asked dozily
"They should be back soon" Tom shrugged
"Hm Okay" Shayne said inhaling his food.

"That was delicious Miss Miller" Tom complimented me and began to collect the plates "sit down Tom I can wash those.
"It no problem"
"No no sit down Tom"  Shayne stood to help but I insisted he stay there. I was acting tough but I was afraid. Maybe of Shayne, maybe even myself. I was swift and beat with the dishes and once I had finished them I returned to my room to take a moment to myself. I wanted to spend this day with the men before we moved along.
I stepped out and into the bar where the men were all gathered sleepily.
"Hello everyone" I smiled weakly
"Miss Miller?" Scratch and Ding held their stetsons in hand and sincerely stood inform of me.
"We all thought our like a dress something a little fancier ya know?" 
Dingo took a package wrapped in brown paper and tied together with string that was pulled into a bow.
"Where ever did you get this?" I pulled out the silky blue dress. It was trimmed beautifully with white lace. It practical and utterly beautiful.
"Thank you" I frowned
"Somethin the matter Miss?" Doug asked politely
"I don't want to leave your my boys, my completely messy and impolitely charming boys. Tears welled in my eyes.
"Maybe we will see you again? You could write us Holster can read! Can't you holst?"
"Na But Tom can real good"
"I will" I smiled "thank you" I kissed Scratch on the cheek.
"Hey well that just ain't fair we all paid a little I want a kiss!" Wes called from the back
"Line up boys" I laughed through the tears.
And quickly they pushed themselves into a line. I planted a kiss on each of their cheeks and whispered a short goodbye. They all sat back down with their eyes at my feet.
"Cheer up fellas I'm not leaving yet" I smiled properly this time.
"Sorry" scratch spoke for them all and all together they lifted their heads.
"Good" I sighed turning away from them all. Shayne and Tom were sat at the bar once again sipping whiskey with their stetsons sat beside them on the bar.
"Miss Miller you should try that dress on before the men put it on you" Tom giggled
"Sorry Miss Miller it's this whiskey" he pushed the glass aside.
"I'm going to change into to now"
"Be quick" Shayne laughed into his glass
I was quick. Quick to get to my room and put on the beautiful dress. It was unlike the ones I ha sheen given before. Though fine and graceful it let me move and leap, maybe even run. It was fit to my body like a glove not to tight however my figure was spottable and not covered in a thousand thick sheets of silk and cloth. I pulled on the muddy boots Shayne had given me and walked back out. The men clapped and whistled as usual and Tom gave me a sweet nod. Shayne was beside him without a glare or reaction in my direction instead he took another swig from
His drink. I gave the men a twirl before sitting beside Tom.
"They love you miss" Tom smiled
"I love them" I giggled
"It's a damn shame you are leaving"
"Isn't it?" I frowned
"No choice" Shayne chimed in
"I know Shayne" Tom sighed
I didn't speak. What would I say? It was best I follow along and avoid speaking with him. Besides soon I would be in England and starting a new life.
"Ahem Miss Miller?" Hollister said shyly
"Yes?" I looked up
"Well I- I draw and I drawed you this" he handed me a piece of paper with a beautiful pencil drawing of me dancing beside the piano Shayne was playing. It was from the night we made dinner and in the drawing me and Shayne looked wonderfully. "This is amazing" I exclaimed wrapping my arms around Hollister's shoulders and squeezing  him.
"Let me see" Shayne grumbled
"Here" Hol quickly took the the drawing and handed it to Shayne.  Once again he had no reaction just a subtle nod before passing it to me and pulling Hol aside for a moment and whispering something in his ear.
"Can we see?" Scratch spoke up
"Of course" I held it up to display.
"Woah Hol you're real good buddy"
"Thanks" Hollister was stood behind me now and Shayne had sat back down.
"It looks so real" scratch admired
"Hollister this is just beautiful but I can't except it" I handed him the note
"But why I drawed it just fer you"
"I'd like you to hang it somewhere so you all remember me" I smiled
"You and Shayne not you and snake eyes"
"What do you mean?" I asked "who is snake eyes?"
"You don't know?"
"Shut it Scratch" Shayne coughed
I knew they wouldn't tell me if Shayne didn't want it so I brushed my questions aside.
The day was far to fast. It reached night and I watched as Shayne entered my room. I was sat at the bart with Tom. I couldn't stay in there I was afraid. So instead I retired to the stables and settled down. Shayne had been suffering for my sake. I couldn't blame him for being so ignorant toward me. It was uncomfortable. The state scratched your skin and the cold air got in the walls. I suffered through till morning.
I was up early. The boys were all collapsed in the saloon and weren't to wake for a while.
"Tom?" I whispered
"He's just making some food for our journey" Shayne was stood against the wall with his arms crossed. He had change into his suspenders, thigh belts and holster along with his shirt, pants and overcoat.
"When will we leave?"
"Within the hour" he said sharply
"I see won't I get to say goodbye to the men?"
"They won't be awake for a while and we have to get the easy journey done in the day."
"As we get closer the to port people will be looking for you. So it's Better to be their at night.
"I understand"
"Here" Tom Walker around the corner holding some food and a canister of what I assumed was whiskey.
"The horses are ready" scratch yawned waking through the doors.
"Good" Shayne gave him a nod.
"We best be going" Shayne picked up his trench coat
"Ok" I frowned "Tom take care of yourself and the boys" I whimpered hugging him tightly "and scratch keep them in line" I placed my hands on his now rosy cheeks and kissed his nose.
"I will m'lady" he smirked
"And I'll look after them" Tom gave me a smile
"Thank you" a tear left my eye and rolled down my cheek.
"Thanks" Tom nodded to them as he opened the door for me.
"You can ride yourself" Shayne sighed
"I don't know if I can at this moment" the tear and turned into thousands now and I was shaking with sadness and fear. Shayne lifted me into the horse and then got on. The other followed behind all the while The Broken Ridley disappeared in the dust.

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