Leaving Silverton

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Shayne's POV
I was sat beside Eoin sipping coffee. It was early but the heat had started to settle over the town and sounds of the mine began to echo though the streets. "Good morning" Courtney had slipped into the room while I was daydreaming. "Mornin sweetheart" I glanced at Eoin.
"We should be leaving soon I suppose" she sighed sitting down
"We should yer but take some time to get your things together."
"Thank you" she said
"We will be sad to see you go" Eoin shrugged
"We will too" Courtney frowned
"We won't run off in the night we will say goodbye properly to you and Colleen"
"Thank you" he nodded. I stood from the table and stretched my arms out.
"You're sure you couldn't stay a day more for the miners dance"
"We really can't" I shook my head
For a moment I thought about everything. I was taking her to the docks to send her away.
Courtney's POV
Reflecting on the time I had spent with Shayne stung. I tried to focus on what else I was leaving behind not just my new found partner in crime.
"I'm going to go and load up the horse"
"You don't have a wagon?" Eoin asked
"No you know where I could get one?"
"The stables down the road may have one" he shrugged
"I'll have a look" shayne nodded.
"I'll get all my things together" I nodded.
I went up to the room, a shred of melancholy sat on my eyelids as I collected all my things together.
This fantastical adventure, one I would read of in books was coming to an end. I had come to trust Shayne and considered him a companion. I truly cares for him by now but if I didn't leave America soon it would only be a matter of time.
A gentle knock cane at the door.
"Come in" I called
"You alright love" Colleen opened the door kindly.
"Yes just getting my things together" I continued
"I thought you might like these" she held out a pile of clothes. They were only
Simple dresses but I was more grateful than you would think.
"Oh my Colleen thankyou so much" I gasped.
"It's nothing I hope you and Shayne have a god blessed life and family" she smiled as if saying goodbye.
"Thanks" I frowned happily
She left and I continued gathering my things. I sat down on the bed I had shared with my strange companion. Slowly I let myself fall backward, I remembered the warmth Shayne radiated lying beside me, and how oddly safe I felt. And then I felt the hard cold wood against my fingertips and I felt it rushing over me, filling me with nausea and fear. Two hard dull eyes stood over me. As if they owned me, an icy touch prickling my arms.

"Hey I'm just going into town want to come?" Shayne poked his head in the door.
"Uh- yes" I snapped back my focus.
"Are you okay?" Shayne slipped into the room and strolled toward me.
"I'm fine really, let's go I'm yet to explore the town" 
"Anything you say m'lady but yer sure yer ok-"
"I'm fine, it's nothing"

The town was warm and people bustled about wearing mining garments. "The carts are sold down here, take this" Shayne tossed a bag of coins at me. "And take a look around"
"I can't come to the stable?"
"It won't be much fun"
"Okay see you soon I'll just be over here"
"M'lady" he nodded before stepping away smugly.
The town was bustling, filled with both savoury and unsavoury smells and people. I began walking towards a small stall with a jolly looking man selling fruits and pies. "Looking for something sweet darling?"
"I'm not sure" I shrugged looking at the colourful array of fruits. "Perhaps just an apple?"
"Your sure? Here try this" he offered me a small cube of fruit that was orange. I bit into it and my mouth was filled with a tangy-sweet flavour.
"What is that?"
"Papya, from Mexico." He grinned
"How much do they cost?"
"5 cents" he replied
"Here give me two"
"Anything for you miss" he placed two of the fruits into a paper bag and then gave it to me.
"Come back soon" he smiled
"Thankyou" I chuckled continuing through the crowded street.
It was unbearably hot in silverton. I thought it must be the mines letting off such burning heat. A man holding a large collection of colourful flowers was twirling through the street. "Excuse me do you know where I could find a refreshment."
"Ah a flower for the lovely lady?"
"Oh no thankyou"
"The saloon just down the road should have something cold"
"Thankyou" I flashed him a smile.
"Take this" he took a purple flower from the bunch and tucked it into my hair.
"Thankyou" I blushed
"That all you can say?" He laughed
"Oh I-"
"don't worry, just be carful kind the miners don't start for another hour." He curled his lips.
"I will, tha- I mean you've been most helpful"
"of course"
The saloon looked very loud from outside. The walls had a flaky covering of rusty red pain and in bold white letters it said saloon. I pushed open the wooden doors and looked around timidly at the curious faces. It was filled with miners and girls of questionable standard stoking y he men's shoulders flirtatiously.
I approached the bar, the man tending to it was dressed in a smart black suit and black boler hat with a thick grey moustache.
"Excuse me could I have a cold drink?" I asked
"Course darlin'" he nodded slipping to the other end of the bar. "Here, only cold thing around" he shrugged handing me a glass with a cloudy white liquid in.
"Thankyou" I took it and sipped. The taste was sweet and yet sour similar to the delicious fruit I had bought. It cooled my warm breath and relaxed my body "Could I have another"
"Sure thing"
"Thankyou" I said throwing the rest of the drink down my throat.
He handed me another and I began to drink.
"You wanna be carful with those though, strong things" he stepped away.
I couldn't feel any effect and thought nothing of it. I slung the purse into the table and took out a few coins before standing back up. Maybe I was a little tipsy. I needed to find Shayne, being publicly intoxicated was incredibly unlady like not to mention embarrassing. Once I made it out the saloon the bustling street seemed manic. I stumbled about panicking a little more each step I took. My head felt foggy and I wasn't sure which way I had come from. After a moment I noticed the miners beginning to stream out from the bar and jostle toward the mines entrance. This made navigation even harder and me panic even more. I was drunk, mode than I'd like to admit. I dizzily stumbled into people as I looked around. Somehow I had wedged myself between two miners.
"Get out of our way" one grunted Angrily pushing me into the other.
"Stupid bitch" he said shoving me to the ground.
I whimpered as I hit the hard gravel ground still feeling dizzy as ever.

Shayne's POV
"Where the hell is she?" I looked around. The street was filled with miners and I narrowed my eyes trying to see her amongst the mess, until I noticed a ripple in the bustling area. Two men quickly walked away and I saw her sat on the floor at struggling to hold her head up. "What in gods name-" I jogged over and picked her up
"What the hell are you doing"
"Shayne!" She exclaimed throwing her arms around me
"Uh cou-"
"It's so good to see you" she held onto my arms trying to stand and made bold and weak gestures.
"Are you drunk?"
"I just wanted a cold drink"
"You drunk" I laughed
"Hey!" She protested, swiping her hand across my cheek.
"Ouch hey!" I flinched letting go off her.
She fell to the floor giggling.
"That funny?" I pulled her up again and to avoid her taking us both to the ground span her around.
"Oooh are we dancing?"
"You probably can't actually"
"You wh-"
"I was taught to dance"
"Is that right?" I sighed helping her back to the inn.

She had passed out as soon as we c to see the inns threshold, it was good though. Colleen and Eoin wouldn't know she was drunk.

Courtney's POV
I woke up to the cracking of stone. "Wh-what!" I sat up.
"Mornin' sweetheart" Shayne chuckled from outside.
"What?" I now was inside a moving wagon.
"Sleep well?"
"No actually" I said touching my forehead in an attempt to sooth my aching head.
"What happened?"
"You passed out" he laughed
"I told Colleen and Eoin you were just tired."
"STOP THIS WAGON!" I exclaimed
"Woahh" Shayne stopped our horses.
I jumped out the back and sat next to Shayne. "I only had two drinks"
"Well" Shayne shrugged
"How embarrassing" I sighed burying my head in my hands.
"Ah you won't see that town again anyway" Shayne laughed
"I suppose"

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