High spirits

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I looked around all the men were sat down clutching drinks. Shayne had gone to the stables to rest. All of them were understandably sad.
I turned and walked back too the storage room. Looking through each box and basket until I found one filled with potatoes and another with a few vegetables not yet rotten.
Other than that there was flour and alcohol.
"Tom" I murmured stepping closer to him
"Yes miss" he frowned
"These boys are sad and their stomachs are empty have you got anything kept back for special times?"
"Well I don't think so I- Wait I might" he turned and walked to the storage room and I followed.
He showed me to the corner of the room and pulled away a white cover under was a large barrel.
"Beer I got from a friend after he accidentally shot me and he managed to get me sugar, thought I could sell it but I don't get down to markets often" he shrugged
"Just behind those bags of flour and salt"
"Do you have a kitchen here?"
"A small one If you walk through the door in the corner there"
"Would you mind if I used it?"
"Course not miss but what will you do?"
"Are you any good at hunting?"

I sent Scratch and Dean out to get some venison meanwhile I got the furnace burning and snuck outside round the back to the chicken coop I had spotted when we rode in. I grabbed all I could and held them in my dress. Tom had some cream he had gotten a day or two ago from passing dairy merchants.
I instructed him to mix it until it turned to butter.
I began boiling the potatoes and carrots. adding salt and whatever spices Tom had stored.
Then I recalled what my mother had taught me so many times and mixed together sugar, eggs, flower and a little cream before putting the mixture in the oven Dean and Scratch returned soon after with the deer. Dean skinned it for me and helped cook it. I took the cake out and left it too cool then cutting the cooked venison and adding it to the stew.
"Tom could you get that beer barrel? The foods ready."
Tom wheeled out the barrel. All of the sorrow filled men looked up dean followed holding the entire giant pot of stew and put it on the bar, stood by the pot.
"Come on fill your bellies boys you've earned it" I shouted
"What do you mean?"
"Throw away that rotten food and come see." I shrugged dipping the ladle into the giant pot.
"Go on" Tom smiled
Doug was the first to come over
"It smells good boys!" I took his bowl and put some stew in it handing it back. He took a slurp and turned back too the other men.
"It's good!"
They all flooded over and I served each of them one by one. Once they were all sat down laughing and drinking beer I took a bowl of it and some beer out to the stables.
Gently I knocked pushing open the door. Shayne turned to me and looked up.
"I made stew and Tom had beer"
I passed him the bowl and tankard
"Thanks" he smiled tipping his head to me
Shayne's POV
She was something else this one.
The stew was the best food I'd eaten in a long time.  And my belly was filled with beer. Soon after I finished. I took my jacket off and sat back. I could faintly hear music and went to see what was happening. I opened the door and all of them were stood up with their mugs in the air singing loudly along to a sailers song merrily. Courtney was stood by the bar and as I was approaching her Tom stopped me
"That girl is something else, five of these dogs have asked her to marry them already" Tom laughed heartily
I looked over his shoulder Courtney was now talking to Dean.
"Ye sure is"
"Maybe you should keep that one"
"I don't think so she's a 'lady' I chuckled
Courtney's POV
Dean was being charming again one of the men took out a fiddle and started playing songs all the men danced around.
"Dance with me will ya" dean smiled
"I couldn't"
"You could" he laughed taking my hand.
He tapped his feet against the wooden floor and spun me around too the strange but wonderful music.
"I'm going to get the cake" I whispered to Dean
"Best hurry" dean winked
I found the butter and made some butter cream spreading it across the top of the cake. I walked out holding it.
"What this then?"  Doug smiled
"You all fought hard so I made a cake"
"Cake?" They were all confused
"You've never had cake?"
"Everyone come and take a slice" I laughed one by one they all took a slice. Last Shayne came over.
"Cake eh?"
"Yes indeed" I nodded
"Hmm" he took the slice
"Take a bite" I smiled. Shayne took a big bite.
"By Christ" Shayne said widening his eyes. I giggled as he wondered away in awe of it.

I watched as all of the men tired themselves out  "Shayne give us a song!" Dingo shouted, dingo was Irish and played the fiddle.
"Oh I don't know"
"Go on!" 
"Fine" he laughed sitting down at the piano. He looked at me from across the room "Go on stable boy" I mouthed
"Sure thing"
He played a strange piece. I was taught classic baroque music but they played blues like music and Irish songs
"When I was younger-" they all sang together
I watched Shayne's hands as they played the wonderful melody. Slowly I got closer.
"Like it?" Shayne chuckled continuing to play.
"What kind of piano is this I wasn't taught to play this" I replied
"Here" he moves to the side and gestured for me to sit beside him. I sat down and as Shayne continued he took one hand off the piano telling me to try. I played a chord I had learnt. He laughed and shook his head putting my hand on his and then the other as he played showing me the movements. Slowly he applied less pressure letting me play. Over his hands.
"I've got it" I smiled. He started playing different things and Dingo even joined in with his fiddle. I felt so joyful and in the moment we locked eyes he continued to play and I removed my hands struggling to keep my eyes looking at his. Just as I looked down he put one of his hands on my face as to say "don't stop looking at me" He leant in towards me and suddenly Dean pulled me up from the chair to dance. I smiled at Shayne and he turned away happily.

"Thanks for the food the boys needed something like this" Tom Thanked me
I turned away to go to my room walking into Shayne by accident.
"Watch yourself" he chuckled.
"Where are you going?" I asked
"Oh right I'm sleeping in the stables" he remembered.
"Does it smell?"
"Nothin I'm not used ta" he shrugged
"Is it cold"
"When did the cold hurt anybody?"
"You can sleep on the floor" I folded my arms
"Thank you m'lady" he bowed
"Go get your things stable boy"
"Will do"

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