Aloa vera and coyotes

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The road wound ahead with a mocking grin. This was going to be a long journey. I sat back clutching my shoulders.
"I'll miss them all dearly" I frowned
"I reckon they will miss you just as much" Shayne said dismissively.
"I'll never see them again" I began to sob.
"Why not?" Shayne shook his head "stop crying now this is going to be a long journey"
"You read my mind." I took a breath.
The sun was beating down on my shoulders and face. I could feeling myself burning.
"I'm burning up" I moaned
"There's a spring round here somewhere just wait"
"Fine." The road was unkept and wild looking. I supposed Shayne was taking the discrete root to prevent another run in with the law or even that gang of thugs.
"Look over there just over the ridge" Shayne pointed calmly
A reservoir of heavenly turquoise water sat. Gently rippling with the breeze.
"Hurry" I sighed
I craved the refreshing pool and comely rock that left a shield of shade beside it.
Shayne moves the horse faster and slowed as we approached the reservoir. Stopping in the shade. I eagerly leapt off of the horse and toward the water.  First I took some I. My hands and drank. Next covering my face and exposed shoulders in the water with my palms.
"Lord" I sighed with relief walking back towards the shade. Where Shayne was leant across the floor with his back against the rock and hat over his eyes.
"Where did you put my things?"
"Your trunk" he yawned
"Yes but where's 'my trunk'"
He lifted the hat in reaction to my sarcastic tone.
"Under mine" he grunted
"Thank you Shayne" I stepped away
Once I had found my trunk I removed my large sun hat and copy of 'exotic herbs and spices'
Next I continued returned to the rock where Shayne was leant.
"Ahem" I lifted an eyebrow as to say 'move along'
"Sorry princess" he groaned
"Thank you" I replied taking a seat beside him and opening the book.
Shayne no longer had the Stetson over his eyes and was scratching at the ground with his side leant against the rock. I was sat on a slip so he was above me and looking over my shoulder.
"Excuse me could I please read I would suggest you to however obviously that's out of the question." I said smugly
"Oh yeah?" He pulled the book from my hands and launched it across the dirt.
"Ugh! You idiot you'll damage the leather"
"How awful" he mocked me.
I stood up and stomped across towards the book. "Stupid, Stetson wearing, ass" I mumbled under my breath.
Shayne chuckled at the spectacle and turned back onto his back, leaning. His head back against the rock.
I snatched my hat and sat in the sun.
After a few minuets I could feel my burns worsening. "Ouch" I uttered.
"What's wrong?" Shayne looked at me
"Really? Because you're red as the sun itself"
"What!?" I looked down at my arms which were as red as he said. Then reaching over my shoulder and placing a hand on my back. "Ah" I squealed
"'Ere" Shayne hopper to his feet and rolled his shoulders back. He took a small bag from his satchel and removed a thick green leaf.
"What is that?"
"Aloe Vera" he approached me
"Ah I've read about that, it's from Africa?"
"Yeah, works miracles" Shayne threw it to me.
Hesitantly I picked it up. "What do I do?"
"Snap the end off and rub it on your burns"
I followed his instructions and began ripping it onto my arms. Surely enough it soothed my skin.
"Why don't you burn so easily? You are just as fair as me" I asked still smearing myself with the plant. I wasn't facing Shayne I was still facing the spring. He called from behind me "skins just used to it"
"How long did that take?" I asked moving up to my shoulders.
"It shouldn't be too long"
I had covered both my shoulders and reached the middle of my back. It was searing with pain and my arms wouldn't allow me to reach that far. I struggled for a moment before dropping the plant in defeat and bringing my hands back beside me. Then I felt shaynes large, rough hand press gently against my back. It sent a jolt of electricity through my spine. I flinched slightly. "Need some help" he chuckled
Using his thumbs he massaged the plants gel into my back. It took a moment but quickly I melted into his touch. "Thankyou" I said looking back down to my book.
I flipped to the page on the plant and began to read. "Aloa Vera, it's said to have healing properties for the skin. And that all good apothecaries Carry it with them"
"Maybe this isn't just pig skin" he smiled leaning his chin on my shoulder.
"I uh- yes indeed it's not" I swallowed "see look 'excellent for healing burns of the sun'" I pointed to the page. Shayne looked for a moment.
"You really can't read can you?" I turned my head to him and locked eyes with him. For a moment our faces were a penny apart. Quickly he moved his head away from my shoulder and stood up.
"Don't mock me" he frowned angrily
"No no I'm not but were you never taught?"
"I was!" He crosses his arms "I just can't see the pages when they are so close" He recoiled.
"Is this the same with everything?"
"No just readin'" he shrugged walking back towards the shade. I followed.
"Hmm I-"
"We will camp here for to tonight suns going down" he interrupted stepping toward his horse.
"Good idea" I agreed
Shayne set up a small fire and shelter for the night. I helped by preparing the food the men had given us.
The sun set over the now dim landscape. I sat by the fire admiring its beauty.
"What you doin?" Shayne said sitting beside me
"Just watching the sky" I sighed
"She's beautiful up there isn't she?"
"Whoever do you mean?" I asked, puzzled.
"The moon" he mumbled in awe
"I suppose she is" I nodded taking a moment to admire the moons subtle, silver glow.
"Best get some rest we have another three days journey at least" Shayne stood patting the dirt from his pants.
"Three days!" I snapped my eyes away from the moon
"Mhmm" he yawned walking towards the makeshift camp he had created.
"Three!" I followed after him
"That's what I said" He leant against the wall and began removing his boots.
"I can't bear it! My thighs are chaffed and lips are cracked!"
"Aloa Vera" he shrugged removing his socks
"No really" I snatched his sock out of his hand "I must insist we stop in a town just for a night or so"
"We can't"
"Why not!" I shouted
"Because the law will be looking for you!" He shouted back even louder and putting his arm against the wall behind me.
"I will wear a disguise!" I insisted
"How do you know they won't figure it out!" He stepped closer and placed his other hand against the other side of wall beside me
"They won't! I will wear men's clothes and stay inside!"
"Fine!" He grunted
Now our noses were almost touching and he had a grumpy expression painted across his face.
"Good" I smiled. Then I noticed our lack of distance and with my palm pushed him away gently before stepping aside.
"Let's just sleep" Shayne grumbled marching over to his bed. He had placed a potato sack on top of his roll out bed that he had set just beside the lake. "Where's my bed?"
"Over there" he punted I've this head. He had placed the other roll out bed beside the rock and sheepskin on it. On top of the sheepskin was a blanket and above the bed he had dangled another potato sack to give me some protection from the cold weather.
"Thank you" I said
"Don't worry about it" he said
"Here take this sheepskin it's unfair for me to have all the luxuries"
"No it's fine I'm used to sleeping under the stars" he smiled sleepily
"Okay? I need to get out of this dress don't look"
"Don't flatter yourself" he chuckled
"Excuse me!"
"Not exactly my kinda gal" he yawned again placing his hands behind his head.
"Yes.. well your night my kind of man"
"Good night stable boy" I whispered.
It must have been three am when I heard it. The haunting Howells that hopped at the wind.
Quickly I sat up and looked around at the shadowy landscape. I scanned the area swiftly trying to hold back the panic I was feeling. And then I saw them. Gathered around Shayne as if he was a dinner table. He lay happily unaware snoozing peacefully while the coyotes slinked toward him. They must have come for the water hole. Fight or flight. I had read about this basic human instinct and immediately I felt a shock of adrenaline rush through my body. I took to my feet and quietly tip toed towards the bags. Inside shaynes bag was his pistol. I removed it and quickly aimed it towards the crowd of coyotes. I couldn't risk shooting in his direction. Instead I shot up in the the sky in an attempt to scare off the pack. *bang* it was a loud piercing noise that scattered across the desert. Instead of fear the coyotes turned their attention towards me. And began to growl. In the dark their eyes looked as black as a devils and as sinister. They began to prowl towards me. Terror filled my body and consumed my thoughts. I slowly backed away until I reached the rock and could no longer move. They had formed a circle when I noticed Shayne rising and stealthily moving past them to the other side of the rock.
'Has he left me here?' I thought 'to die?'
The tears began to stream from my eyes now. I could barely sob I was so scared.
Just as the coyotes began to pounce I heard a loud yell followed by Shayne leaping From the top of the rock in front of me wielding a large tree branch and swinging it at the coyotes. I whacked them all a few times before they scattered.
"Are you okay?" He turned to me
My heart was racing and eyes stung from the tears. I shook my head and crouched down holding my legs. Shayne threw the branch aside and wrapped his arm around me in a consoling way. "It's okay" he whispered and with that I began to cry uncontrollably.
"It's okay" he repeated sitting down now and resting my head on his chest. "You're okay"

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