Drabble #1 with Bokuto Koutarou

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Anonymous asked: 76 for bokuto ;)

76. "Please put your penis away." LMAO so I'm not gonna lie here... Admin Terushima gave me this idea earlier this afternoon. She gave me one idea, and I was like "hell yeah!" But then I added my own mess to it because I wanted to include the reader... so yeah! Here's this hilarious mess. Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Bokuto Koutarou: Drabble #76 "Please put your penis away."

How had it come to this? Really? All you had wanted was a nice evening out. You were going to go see a movie with your favorite duo, Kuroo and Bokuto, and have dinner afterwards since it was such a nice Friday night. You'd gotten all ready, even wearing make-up when you usually don't since you knew it was going to be a nice outing for the three of you!

Well. That's what it was SUPPOSED to be.

As the lights went down for the movie to begin, sitting on the far right closest to the stairs while Bokuto sat between you and Kuroo, having wanted to hold the popcorn, you were so excited for the film to start. You'd been waiting all month for it to finally come out and get to a price low enough for your small student allowance to afford.

"Dicks out for Harambe."

The words seemed completely out of place. You'd been enjoying the film. Watching every movement on the screen with such focus that your eyes had began to hurt from not blinking.

"Oh sick, bro! You dye your pubes, too?"

You furrowed your eyebrows and forced your eyes away from the screen to the dynamic duo next to you, feeling your eyes only widen further as you saw Bokuto holding his semi hard cock in his hand, the other holding the bucket of popcorn, and Kuroo actively leaning over to see the white and black coarse hair that was neatly gathered just above the base of his best friends dick. A sense of both disgust and dread filled your stomach, but you also felt something tickle at you. Only he would do something like this. Take a damn meme way to damn far.

"Please put your penis away, Bokuto."

You pleaded quietly, feeling like you were either about to throw up or start laughing. You were scared that it might end up being both. You were worried that the theater moderators would come by any second to see this disturbing sight.

"Yeah, bro. Show me later. Watching Tarzan in a room full of people isn't the most ideal place for that." Kuroo added with his signature smirk, "Plus, I'm sure little ____ wants to get a closer look of your pecker later." He winked over at you, causing you to guffaw just a little before trying your best to ignore Bokuto as he rummaged around to put his penis back into place under his clothing with absolutely no shame at all.

What had you EVER done to deserve these terrible boys? You could have sworn you were a good person.

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