Headcanons with Sawamura Daichi & Oikawa Tooru

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Anonymous asked: HI I LOVE THIS BLOG IT IS MY TOP FAVORITE. Can I request sfw and nsfw he's for Daichi and Oiks?? Muah~

Anonymous asked: Nsfw headcanons for Oikawa and fem significant other??

AHHHH I'm so happy!!! I'm so glad we're that high on your list of favorites!!!! :D Thanks for being wonderful!!! So for Oikawa, we have a SHIT TON of Headcanon requests for him spread throughout his Tag on the blog! But I added a few other ones just for good measure! Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Sawamura Daichi:


It's honestly SO hard to get him out of his dad mode! (It's not even the fun Daddy mode, just dad joke mode T~T)

You are the mother of the team now. That's it. Suga is off the hook forever! You're in charge of keeping track of everyone whenever you're around the team.

He's actually pretty open to physical affection! Loves to hold your hand while the two of you walk down the halls together or wrap his arm around your waist when you're standing near each other. (He's super cute and I love him very much)

Won't directly ask you to come to practice or matches to watch him play or instruct his team mates, but when you do show up and surprise him, he's all smiles and strength for his team! He will definitely look over to you to calm his nerves before he serves the ball!

If you're spotted by all the rest of the team, their spirits lift 120% because 'mom is here! We can't let her down!', and Daichi has to remind everyone that they're in the middle of a game! (He really just doesn't want too many people seeing how kind and caring you are.... That's just for him to see and enjoy.)

Even with his hands full with the volleyball team and school, he'll still find the time to get invested in your own hobbies! He loves to listen to you explain why you thought this hobby was better than that hobby or see your hands guide his through whatever the two of you are doing together.

"Okay, so I wrap the thread through the loop?"

"No, Dai, over the loop! If you do it through the loop it'll get tangled."

".... Whoops... Alright, _____, help me start over." (His smile is so cute and determined that you don't feel the least bit frustrated with him)

His internal alarm clock wakes him up before you on the weekends, so he'll just spend the early morning holding you close and rubbing your back or running his fingers through your hair.


1000% has a Daddy and Captain kink. (It's almost canon tbh with how much every blog agrees on this)

Dominant AF in bed, the only way you're going to get him to be submissive is if you tie him up and blindfold him. (Kinky~)

His thighs are a favorite place for you to cover in hickeys and bite marks, but that doesn't stop him from getting a bit flustered from the attention to them.

"Ah! ______! You already bit that spot!" *actually squirmed when you bit his inner thigh*

"Hmmmm, but Dai~, look how much harder you're getting~. I haven't even touched you, sweetheart."

"You're going to be punished as soon as you let me out of these restraints, ______."

"Yes, Captain Daichi~."

He'll claim he doesn't have a favorite position, but he seems to be a bit more aggressive and demanding when your ass in in the air and he's behind you OR when you're both laying on your sides, and your leg is tossed over his thighs behind you. (He really likes the view of your ass or your thighs)

You two share an interest in thighs because when he goes down on you, he'll leave as many hickeys and love marks as he can all over your inner thighs.

BUT Unlike you, he'll make sure your hickeys are in areas where your clothes cover them. He doesn't want to cause you any embarrassment.

He will fuck your mouth if you let him and are into it. (My gag reflex is not trained enough for him T~T)

Oikawa Tooru:


The moment he introduced you to the team, his title as captain is completely forgotten because nobody listens to him anymore! You have to tell them in the way you do and they immediately go and do what you ask!

You are constantly being yanked away from Oikawa by Matsukawa and Hanamaki, who both just tease Oikawa by hanging themselves all over you. (Best brothers ever xD)

Oikawa can't be without physically having a hand on you. It's impossible for him. Unthinkable. He needs to have your hand in his, or his hand on your shoulder, or resting on your thigh or waist. Something.

Please PLEASE remind him softly, as softly as you can, that he needs to take it easy. His knee is very much an important part for him to be able to play his beloved volleyball. (You gotta ignore when he snaps at you tho.)

"Tooru, you need to go to your physical therapy later this week, don't forget, alright?"

"I don't need that, _____-chan! I'm perfectly fine! I don't need you looking out for me, you're not my mom."

"Well, I have to look out for you, Tooru because you sure as hell won't and what use are you to your team if you're sitting on the bench and keeping it warm for them?"

"..... You're so cruel, _____-chan.... Fine... I'll go." (Will not stop pouting after you've gotten after him)

Iwaizumi will be your informant on whether or not you need to come and knock some sense into him after his own aggressive care doesn't work.


Like Daichi (and all the other captains), he has a Captain kink and will absolutely go 'killer serve' intense when you use it in bed

Call him Captain while out in public, and he'll act like he normally does until he gets you in private and then he's free to bang your brains out

(For everyone in love with Oikawa) PLEASE tie him up. Tie him up and ride him off into the sunset.

He LOVES orgasm denial. On you or him. He doesn't care. But he does like having you beg for him more than he begs for you.

Absolute slut for over stimulation for both of you.

"Ah, ah, ah, ____-chan~. Where do you think you're going? You taste too good for me to let you go so easily~."

"Ah~! Tooru~, it's too much! Ah~! I'm not going to be able to go to walk~!"

"That's the plan, _____-chan~. Now moan for me."

He will leave you wanting more. No matter how long the wait is. He'll tease you during school and will actually go out of his way to pull you into a school closet or the training room and tease you some more before he escapes back out into the public leaving you teetering right on the edge. (He's a piece of shit but he's SO worth the wait *cries forever*)

Is the type where if he finds out you finished the job after he'd left you, he will punish you.

Has a bunch of toys~. Most are for you, but he does enjoy when you use a vibrator on him or even a cock ring. He gets really excited when he's online shopping and he sees a toy that he thinks the both of you would really like!

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