Far Away with Poly Iwaizumi Hajime & Akaashi Keiji

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Anonymous asked: Can I request sfw and nsfw heacanon for Iwaizumixfemale s.oxAkaashi poly where all three of them live rather far from each other ?

Oh man! I am LOVING these Poly groups you are all coming up with!!! Lol Thanks for the request! -Admin Satori <3



No matter the distance, you've got two guys who have their unique way of showing they care for you. Akaashi with his silent guiding and words of reassurance, and Iwaizumi with his aggressively caring and gruff words for you to get your act together (they're so widely different and I love this poly now fuck)

Skype is a HUGE thing between you three. Usually it's you or Akaashi that initiate the skype call and Iwaizumi will join in later (Because Oikawa is working everyone to the bone during practice)

You talk to them all the time about going to the same college they are and being able to rent an apartment with them and being able to see each other every day!

Everyday after school, you'll get a group call from them, and you get to hear Oikawa annoying Iwaizumi and Bokuto's booming voice in the background as a bonus!

"Hey Keiji, Hajime!"

"Iwa-chan~ Why does ______-chan get to call you by your first name?? I've known you longer~!

"Ooooooh! Assghgaashi! Can I call you Kei- Oof!"

"Keiji, did you just elbow Bokuto?"

"Yes, Hajime, I did."

If Akaashi is having a low day (or is about to lose his shit because of Bokuto) he'll call either you or Iwaizumi. The only way either of you know that he's had a bad day is that he's even less talkative than normal.

Iwaizumi and Akaashi are the ones to keep you on track about anything, no matter how far away they are. They have to deal with their own problem 'children', so keeping your schedule is a breeze to them! You have to remind them that you're their girlfriend and not their child (lmao)


As previously stated, Skype is a HUGE thing between you three. Mutual Masturbation is the only way for you three to be able to be intimate with each other while you're so very far apart.

If you're lucky, you'll find the time to go and visit one of them and be able to enjoy their bodies in person, while also skyping with the one that's unable to be there. (You gotta take turns visiting them tho lmao)

When you feel like teasing them, you send pictures while you're at school, usually starting from your view of your skirt covered legs, then slowly proceeding to take pictures while you touched yourself (during or after class is your decision.)

Akaashi will sometimes send pictures, but when Iwaizumi tries they end up all blurry because he's not patient enough to focus the camera. He's too busy thinking about either of you touching him instead of his own hand.

If it's too late for skype, group calls are a good way for you three to be able to work each other through touching each other.

"______-san, you're not allowed to cum unless I say so."

"K-Keiji... Y-you're so c-c-cruel."

"Fuck..... Keiji, if she's not allowed to cum, then neither are you."

"Yes, sir, Ha-Hajime. ______, please moan for us."

Needless to say Iwaizumi and Akaashi are usually the dominant ones during your phone calls and skype chats, but will be pleasantly surprised when you decide to take the reins and tell them they're not allowed to cum before you do at least twice. (So cruel! Lmao same tho)\

You've come to remember their aroused voices so deeply that you'll fantasize it during school and accidentally get yourself so worked up that you have to call them and get through another session together. (Afterwards, they'll admit that they were thinking the same thing about you.)

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