Jealousy with Oikawa Tooru, Kageyama Tobio, & Iwaizumi Hajime

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Anonymous asked: Hey ! Could I ask for some jealous nsfw headcanons for Oikawa, Kageyama and Iwaizumi ? Thanks (:

Hey hey hey!! Sure thing, sweetie!! Oikawa and Iwa seem to be super SUPER popular in this part of the ask box I'm working on xD Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Oikawa Tooru:

(You are fucked.) Will fuck you as close to whoever was flirting with you as he can. Meaning school closets or the training room or dressing rooms. Wants them to hear how good you feel because of him and him alone.

When he's jealous, he's all about making you remember who you're tied to by making you gasp out his name over and over as he buries his face against your heat or snaps his hips against yours quickly.

Marks you ALL over the place. And when you're trying to cover them up, he'll only continue to make more. Which leaves you with marks on your inner elbow, your wrists, your calves and ankles, the back of your neck... Everywhere where your school uniform or any of your jackets/scarves won't be able to hide. (Yessssssss!)

Super SUPER touchy, and if you're sitting close to him may God have mercy because Oikawa's fingers are immediately going under your school skirt to rub against your clit so damn teasingly (gdi!) that you have to force yourself not to pull his hand closer

"Mmmm~? What's the matter, _____-chan~? Are you still blushing from that first year asking you out?" *fingers are sneaking under your underwear to stroke against your folds*

"N-no, Tooru... I'm your girlfriend, Tooru...."

"Oh? Is that so, ______-chan? Are you sure you weren't flustered by his cute nervousness?"

Loves to act like you were actually reciprocating the attention from others so that his jealousy is actually not misplaced and the jealousy acts of intimacy are actually well placed.

Just give him a blow job in an empty classroom on top of the students desk and he'll be placated until you get home.

Kageyama Tobio:

(After he's scared the attention giver half to death) he'll act very possessive, but is SUPER awkward about it.

Wraps his arm around your waist, but finds it awkward to walk like that, so holds your hand in his, but finds his hand getting sweaty faster than usual, so settles for having you hold onto his shirt sleeve while the two of you walked down the halls. (He's such a dork lmao)

He won't be himself the rest of the day and you have to figure out from the way he's glaring at the person who'd confessed to you earlier that he's jealous, and probably won't be acting like he usually does, so you've got to take control.

Pull him into a school closet and just give him the best damn blow job he's ever gotten from you, and you'll hear in his grunts and groans just how jealous he really was.

"I-Idiot, second year.... You're my girlfriend, only mine!"

"Shhh, Tobio, you're going to get us caught."

"S-sorry!" (omg shut up Kageyama lmao)

Once he's calmed down enough, he'll be more okay with holding your hand out in public and less worried about what that confessor said to you because he knows you're with him and you weren't going anywhere.

You can bet your ass you're going to have his talented fingers inside you as soon as you get home with him. He wants to both pay you back for the spontaneous blow job AND hear you moan his name so he knows for sure that only he can make you feel so good.

Iwaizumi Hajime:

(You're fucked lmao) His jealousy tends to be like his rage, he acts on instinct alone.

He will literally growl at whoever is flirting with you before dragging you away to the sports room or the locker room and just screwing your brains to mush.

He's a biter. He's going to make sure no part of your skin is without his teeth marks or at least some sort of hickies or gripping bruises.

Unlike Oikawa, he doesn't focus on the parts of your skin that aren't covered by your uniform or other clothes, and just focuses more on making sure he's the only thing running through your mind. You end up with bruises along your thighs and ass, even some around your breasts and on your shoulders.(Fuck me up, Iwa *drools*)

"Who makes you feel this good, _____?" *growls, his pace is quick and rough*


"Who?" *snaps his hips against you so hard you see stars*

"Y-you! Iwaizumi H-Ha~jime!"

He has to actually support your weight after your sessions together, your legs feel like jelly, and if he feels like sharing he'll tell you his entire body is like mush.

If anyone points out his own hickies or bruises or even the scratches on his body when he's changing for practice, he's flustered and tries to change the topic. (Oikawa ends up blurting out what he knows Iwaizumi did and thus gets a volleyball to the face)

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