The Wait

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Emmett P

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Emmett P.O.V

I sat beside Angel with little Aurora in my arms. I could hear Angel's ever changing heart as she got closer to the end of her transformation. It was strange she seemed to be changing quicker then Bella. Carlisle believe it is because she is closer to a vampire then a human, like the differences in the pregnancy. I tilted the bottle of formula and animal blood mixture. We found out the babies prefer a mixture then one or the other.

I smiled down at my daughter who was smiling up at me. "You are gonna be as beautiful as your mother."

I was surprise that in just the day since they were born all the children had started to grow fast. My beautiful twins looked more like a month or two old then a day. In that time we have start to see some of their personality. The one thing I was finding funny was that my daughter Aurora seemed to get fussy every time Drew would go to hold her. It irked him she acted like that, but me I found it funny. Her favorite people are Esme, Carlisle, Alice and surprising Jasper....

Speaking of Jasper my darling daughter has him wrapped around her little finger. He absolutely dotted on his niece. He loved little Kellan to but nothing seemed to have a bigger space in his heart then his little darling niece.

The door opened and Alice walked in with little Kellan in her arms. "I figured its time to switch out. I'll go change Aurora for you."

I nodded holding out my daughter as I took my son in my arms. After Alice left I looked down at my son smiling as he looked toward Angel reaching an arm our making cute little noises.

"Now.. now little one give it some time then you can be with your mother. But for now how about you keep good old pops company." I froze then chuckled. "Good old pops that is gonna take some time to get used to that.." Just then I noticed the tuft of hair on Kellan's head changed. I know he was born with dark hair like mine and gold eyes. But as I watched his hair lightened to blond.


Carlisle rushed into the room and looked over at me. "What is it?"

Edward come in right behind him. "Really?"

Carlisle looked over at Edward then back at me. "What?"

"I think I noticed little Kellan's power. When he was born he had gold eyes and dark hair. Well just before my eyes his on eyes changed to blue and his hair lightened to a blonde."

Carlisle came over and looked over him. "His power must have something to do with changing his appearance. I have never heard of a gift like that. But then again remember his mother is a Sekkari so there is no telling what his and his sister abilities may include." Before he could say anything else little Kellan changed again, his hair darkened and his eyes turned back gold.

Carlisle smiled down at him. "Well you are going to be a talented one aren't you?"

I smiled down at my son before looking up. "Make me wonder what my little girls ability may be."

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