They're Here!

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

I took another unnecessary deep breath as we watched the tree line. The Volturi would be arriving any second. I stood beside Emmett with the twins between us as Bella, Edward and Renesmee took at our side. The main group of Sekkari and the wolves hid in the tree line behind us. A few were out standing with us. There was Dad, Bree, Uncle Keegan (who stood close to Tanya),Uncle Donovn as well as Uncle Ryder and Dax. I was surprised Aunt Kayle and Kenzie come. They never struck me as a fighter type. Uncle Raphael stood at Emmett's side his eyes scanning while the other Guardian's flanked him.

I knew if my heart was still beating it would be racing right now. I felt something touch my hand. Looking over I saw Bella had grabbed my hand. I gave her a reassuring nod squeezing back. My attention went back to the tree line when we heard them coming.

I could see Garret fidgeting. "The redcoats are coming! The redcoats are coming!"

The is when we saw them exit the woods. I could hear Edward's soft voice. "Aro's looking for Alice." Emmett tightened his hold on me as I growled. They drove Alice and Jasper away, Alice knew he would come for her for her powers.

As they got closer the wolves walked out joining us, Jake and Seth coming to stand at our sides. I didn't let myself blink till their line stopped. That is when I saw him.... Tanner. I felt my muscles tightened wanting nothing more then to surge forward and rip his head off. He has done so much to me over the years and now I was no longer afraid.... I wanted him gone like his father....

Carlisle stepped forward. "Aro let us discuss things as we used to. IN a civilized manner

Aro smirked. "Fair words, Carlisle. But a little out of place, given the battalion you've assembled against us."

"I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken."

Caius scoffed. "We see the child. DO not treat us as fools.... An there are two other children as well."

I could see Carlisle losing his patience he raised his voice. "They are not immortal! These Witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look. See the flush of human blood in their cheeks."


Aro held up his hand. "I will collect every facet of the truth. But from someone more central to the story. Edward, as the child clings to your newborn mate, I assume you are involved." HE held out his hand.

I looked to Edward shaking my head sending him a mental message 'I think this is some sort of trap please be careful.'Edward nodded before moving forward. I reached forward taking hold of Bella's hand giving her my strength to help her out.

We waited as Aro took Edward's hand looking into his mind reading everything that had been going on.

"I'd like to meet her." Edward looked back at us as Bella let go of my hand. She walked forward with Renesmee and Jake stopping looking at Emmett. He kissed the side of my head before moving forward walking beside Jake. Seth moved to the other side of the twins so they were completely protected.

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