You Did What!

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

As the sun shone through the window I smiled as Emmett's arms tightened around me. I sighed cuddling closer before letting my eyes wonder the room with a chuckle.


"We have to go shopping."

Emmett chuckled before kissing my forehead. "We can do that later."

I moved sitting up looking around our destroyed bedroom before looking down at my husband. "I love our time last night." Reaching up I ran my finger over my bite mark on his shoulder.

Emmett smiled before kissing me gently. "As did I. But I am ready to go see our babies."

"Me too."

Emmett got up and I sigh with a smile watching him as he got dressed. "What's with the Cheshire grin ."

"Oh nothing." I looked at my two mating marks on him. One on his shoulder and one on his hip.

Emmett finished pulling up his jeans before leaning over and kissing my lips before leaning down and kissing his two mating marks in similar places on my body. "Come love lets get going."

I got up and got dressed before taking Emmett's hand and we ran back toward the main house. But as we arrived I noticed everything was crazy and everyone was on edge.

"What's going on?"

Edward froze. "Carlisle what about Angel?"

Carlisle froze. "I don't know."

"What's going on?"

Bella walked over. "Charlie is coming."


"Charlie is coming over. He'll be here in a bit."

"How the hell did he know you where here. You were telling him you were over seas."

She glared toward Jake."A certain wolf didn't like the idea that we would eventually have to leave and told Charlie... No showed Charlie what he was."

"WHAT?" I stormed over grabbing Jake by the collar and shaking him. "Are you crazy?"

"It was the best option. Bella was terrible without Charlie."

I pushed Jake away. "Jake once the day is over I expect to see you outside for a good ass kicking." I pulled out my phone and called Uncle Matt. "Uncle Matt we are gonna need some help."

~Time Skip~

Me and Emmett stayed in our room for a bit to allow Bella and Charlie to have some time but when we heard him starting to ask about me I knew it was time to but my plan into effect. Not to mention hearing my Uncle pulling in was also good timing.

Getting up I walked downstairs with little Kellan in my arms as Emmett held Aurora. We walked into the living room to see Charlie staring at Renesmee.

"She has you eyes Bella." When Bella looked at him he sighed. "Need to know."

I knew this was the time. "An I think Charlie it is time you need to know."

Bella looked at me with a glare shaking her head. I gave her a looked pleading with her to trust me. "Your right Charlie she does have Bella's eyes because she is Bella's and Edward's daughter...."


"Wait Edward!"

I smiled to the little ones in my arms. "Just like these little ones are mine and Emmett's little twins."

"But.... that wasn't nine months."

"Your right. An for our species it isn't."

"Species." He groaned. "Bella said she doesn't turn into and animal don't tell me you do."

I chuckled. "I can but among other things." That is when Uncle Matt and Aunt Cassie walked in. "Sit down Charlie and we'll explain."

Charlie sat and I sat across from him on Emmett's lap. But before I could say anything Charlie spoke up. "Does this have anything to do with how different everyone is?"

Carlisle smirked. "How so?"

"How you seem to notice things a little quicker and move faster. How Eddie boy seem to know what others are thinking. Or how about my Deputy there able to break everything down like freaking Sherlock Holmes."

I laughed looking at Bella. "Well we see you got your brains from Charlie. Yes Charlie we are different. To start to say Bella did get sick to the point she did almost died but that is when we changed her."

"Changed her?"

I saw the Cullen's watching me in fear, well all except Alice and Edward who knew what I would do. "We changed her into what we call a Sekkari."

They all visibly relaxed. "What is a Sekkari?"

I looked to Uncle Matt who nodded giving me to tell him what I want. "A Sekkari is a supernatural being with special abilities. As you've seen Jake can turn into a wolf. Well I can to and I can move things with my mind. But all Sekkari are also special in that we live longer then regular humans."

He looked toward Bella. "How long?"

"I know you worry about Bella well you shouldn't because as a Sekkari she can now live to be almost 200 if not more."

Charlie's eyes buldged. "200? Are you that old?"

"No. The only one close to that age is Uncle Matt and Dad that are both 160."

Charlie sighed looking around the family before looking at Bella. "Did you know what you were signing up for before you married Edward?"

Bella nodded. "I knew since the first year."

Edward spoke up. "That's why I left." I kicked him telling him in my mind to shut up. But he didn't listen. "I was scared. Not to mention I thought Bella should be allowed at a chance of a normal life. I didn't want to force her into the Sekkari world if she didn't want to.... But I was wrong."

Charlie glared. "You put her through that hell because you were scared and you wanted her to be sure of her decision."

"Charlie being a Sekkari isn't easy. Because we live longer we outlive many people we come to care about."

"I understand.." He smiled to his granddaughter." An Renesmese. How is it that Bella had a baby so quickly. How is it you and Emmett had twins so quickly?"

"As Sekkari we carry our children quicker but you also have to realize Charlie that means that these children will grow quickly too. At least till they get to about our age."

Charlie sighed." You have given me a lot to take in but thank you for telling me."

Uncle Matt looked to Charlie. "Charlie you can not tell anyone what we tell you. If it were up to the council I don't think we would have been allowed to tell you. But it was Angel's call and they can not go against her word."

That apparently threw Charlie off. "Why is your word final?"

"Ummm?" I looked to Uncle Matt who chuckled.

"Angel's word goes because she is royalty."


I blushed as Charlie laughed. "I don't see you wearing a fancy dress or tiara."

Emmett chuckled before kissing my cheek. "But she is still amazing."

Charlie smiled toward my little ones. "Who do you have there?"

"We'll Charlie I want to know if you'll be the godgradfather to little Kellan and little Aurora here."

He smiled. "I would love to."


Hopefully I'll have another chapter out sometime soon.

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