Awe you poor baby!

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

 Charlie stayed for another couple of hours asking questions about the Sekkari before decided it was time for him to leave. He hugged both me and Bella before giving out his goodbyes and heading out. I stood with Bella,Edward,Emmett,and Jasper waving as Charlie drove off.

I hugged Bella. "You were wonderful sis."

She turned and smacked my shoulder. "Ow what was that for?"

"You scared me. Why would you tell Charlie about the Sekkari?"

"I know you hate lieing to Charlie and I could already tell he didn't believe the whole niece crap. You saw he already knew there was something different about the family this was a better truth the him learning about vampires."

"Your right. Thank you."

We turned to the others as Charlie pulled out of the drive. Jasper smiled toward Bella. "Well done, Bella. I've never seen a newborn shown that kind of restraint."

Emmett smiled. "I'm not sure she is a newborn.She's so tame.. Angel is more feisty."

As Bella scowled Edward smirked. "Emmett, don't antagonize her. She's the strongest one in the house."

Emmett cracked his knuckles. "Please."

I smirked already knowing how this would end. "Well let's test it. Everyone out back."

Emmett took off as we all walk out back. Seth, Leah, Jake and Ryder stood to the side Seth and Leah holding Aurora and Kellan as we all stood together. I stood beside Jasper and Alice with Edward on the other side of me as I looked on at Bella who stood waiting. 

Within minutes Emmett walked out of the woods carring a large rock. He sat it down smirking as he settled his elbow on the rock.

 He sat it down smirking as he settled his elbow on the rock

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"Don't hurt yourself Emmett."

I chuckled as I heard Ryder lean over to Drew. "I bet Em win."

"I already know he will."

Edward chuckled. "No way it'll be Bella."

Jake laughed jiggling Renesmee in his arms. "I say Em will win."

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