A Newborn? Really?

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

All I wanted to do was scream as the fire coursed through my body. I could feel the fire run over me burning every part but I stayed perfectly still. I knew if I screamed it could scare my babies.... My Babies! I wanted nothing more then to take them into my arms and hold them to me. That is when I felt it. The ice that started at my feet and was slowly extinguishing the fire. But after the ice left my body started to feel normal.

I could feel the motion coming back into my body as well. Then suddenly I could hear everything and that is when I heard my father's story of how he was changed. Why couldn't I remember the events. Why was it the main thing that was missing from my mind. As my heart beat it last beat I felt my finger twitch.

"Damien she's waking up."

I tested myself by taking a deep breathe. That is weird , it didn't seem to be much more of a difference them before. Thought I could now smell Bella in the other room.


I slowly opened my eyes looking to the ceiling. I gasped sitting up my eyes scanning my surroundings. It was a little strange my eye sight was more defined then it was before. Was this how Emmett saw things?


I turned seeing Emmett standing to the side with my father, Carlisle and Drew there. With a giggle I lunged from the bed wrapping my arms around Emmett.

"I told you not to worry about me. I am strong."

He laughed wrapping his arms around me twirling me as he laughed. As he sat me down he leaned down and kissed me. I moaned at the force of the kiss. I couldn't remember the last time he kiss me like this. I could feel myself starting to get lost in the kiss when a throat clearing reminded us where we were.

I looked over toward the family and looked down shyly glad I couldn't blush.

"Fascinating!" Carlisle came forward and looked at me. "Can I see your eyes please?"

I looked up as he looked me over. "Your eyes are amazing my dear."

"Really? How?"

Alice who had been standing to the side brought over a mirror. I looked at my image and gasped.My eyes were not the blood red of a newborn. My eyes were a mixture of the bright gold that the Cullen's and the bright blue that was my original colors.

"Oh my goodness."

Emmett took my face in his hands looking down into my eyes smiling. "I think they are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

Drew stepped up and nodded to the door. "You might want to take her out Em."

I looked up. "I want to see my babies first."

Dad came forward and sighed. "Just to be safe lets get you something to eat first."

I sighed before nodded, Emmett took my hand heading toward the window. "Let's go."

I smirked as he jumped through the window and out into the woods. With a giggle I ran and jumped trough the window joining him.

"Let's hunt!"

I followed Emmett as he took off. It was strange how different everything was as I ran. I was already as fast as a vampire before, but now it seemed like I could go faster. That is when the scent hit me. I turned to the left following the scent.

 I turned to the left following the scent

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Emmett P.O.V

I couldn't take my eyes off of my stunning wife. She was beautiful before but now after her change she was stunning. I watched as she raced through the woods. It startled me when she suddenly changed course. I sniffed the air and I didn't smell anything. Turning I went after her hoping that it wasn't a human she smelt. Jumping the waterfall I landing and smirked.

I could see Angel up ahead crouched here eyes trained on a large bear stalking some baby deer. I leaned against the tree my arms crossed watching as my amazing woman. I saw her muscles coil before she lept forward colliding into the bear. I could say it was the sexiest thing watching her take down a bear and sinking her teeth into his neck. It was interesting to know that animal blood is the scent that called to her.

I was so lost in watching her I didn't hear the new comer.

"Amazing isn't she?"

I turned to see her father smiling with pride. "Yeah she is amazing."

"Are you two talking about me?"

I turned to see Angel walking closer to me. I smirked and took her into my arms. "You did wonderfully my dear. I am so proud out you."

She smiled and leaned up and kissed me before looking around. "Can I go see the children now.. Please."

"Of course. Come my love, come see your son and daughter."


Sorry this chapter was a little shorter then normal I didn't have much of a brainstorm on this chapter but don't worry the next one should be up soon.


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