Us time *SMUT Warning*

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

I sat cuddling my daughter as Emmett held our son, every little bit we would switch so we would each spend time with a child. I looked over and saw Bella and Edward cuddled together with their daughter. We were the only ones in the house right now other then Seth, Jake, Leah and Ryder. Everyone else had went out hunting to build up their strength.

I giggled as I felt Emmett's lips trail down my neck. "Be good Emmett you children are watching."

He laughed. "Well they will have to share their mother soon."

I knew if I could I would blush. But I wouldn't lie, since waking up and feeling the changes in me I have been eager to 'have fun' with Emmett. I was curious on how our love making may change what with us being the same now. I knew before he still had to hold back a little. Not as much as I am sure Edward did with Bella being a full human but I was still flesh and blood at the time so he had to have some restraint. Now he didn't. I did worry about our home. Will it still be there when we are done.

I could hear the laughing as the family got closer to the house. I watched everyone come in as Rose came up to Bella smiling. "My turn!"

I chuckled as Bella handed over little Renesmee as she leaned into Edward''s arms. "Where does she sleep?"

"In my arms, or Edward's or Esme."

That is when Alice came in and smiled at Bella. "Happy Birthday." I knew this would cause some fussing some Bella so I closed my eyes and tuned her out as I lifted Aurora to my shoulder breathing in her scent relaxing.


I opened my eyes to see Carlisle smiling at me. "Yes Carlisle?"

"Mind if I do my check up on the little ones?"

"No go ahead."

I got up moving to set Aurora down so Carlisle could work with her, that is when I notice Bella and Edward were not there. "Were are Bella and Edward?"

Emmett smiled setting down Kellan before wrapping his arms around me. "They are going to the cottage we got Bella for her birthday for a night together."

I smiled down at my children as Jasper walked up. "How about you and Emmett head home and spend some time together we'll watch the babies."

I smiled. "Are you sure?"

Esme picked up Aurora cuddling her close. "You two go ahead and spend some time together we can handle these little ones."

Before could say anything Emmett grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder with a chuckle. "Thank you family." Was all he said before he streaked out and to our house.

He sat me down smiling a wicked smile. "So wife what shall we do with our time."

I smirked grabbing his shirt and pulling him forward kissing him. Emmett picked me up and pushed me against the wall leaning against me deeping the kiss with a groan. With a giggle I reached out and gripped the neck of his shirt and yanked feeling satisfied as I heard the rip.

"Eager are we?" Emmett chuckled as his lips moved down to my neck.

"Oh yeah. I have a feeling we will be destroying a few things tonight."

"I agree."With that he ripped my shirt and bra in two before pulling me to him. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he turned and ran upstairs. Next thing I knew Emmett tossed me onto the bed. I chuckled looking up at him as he quickly removed his pants. Reaching out he grabbing my pants and pulled them and my underwear off.

Before they could leave his hands I grabbed his shoulder and flipped him onto the bed."Don't tease the wife Em."

He chuckled before flipping us again this time he was behind me and I was facing the headboard. Emmett reached up and wrapped my hands over the wood .

"Keep your hands there love this is going to get crazy."

I bit my lip to hold back a moan as he rubbed against me from behind. Emmett grabbed my waist pulling me against him making my back arch. Emmett grown his lips hard on my neck. "Now you are like me it is time for me to fully claim you."

"Claim me?"

"Claim you the vampire way my dear."

"God yes Emmett claim me."

He rubbed against my entrance I could hear a chuckle when I tried to push back against him but he held me back. His lips moved against the back of my neck before slowly running his tongue down my spin. I could feel his smile against my skin as my body quivered at his touch

"Please Emmett!"

He leaned forward nipping my ear. I looked at saw the evil smile. "Please what?"

"Claim me. Brand me. Make me yours for all eternity."

Apparently he didn't need to be told twice for without another word his gripped my hips and thrusted into my from behind making me cry out from the pleasure. I tightened my grip on the head board feeling it starting to break under my grip. Emmett's hands gripped my hips harder as his thrusts became more fierce. I could feel the muscles in my body start to coil as my grip on the bed tightened snapping the wood.

"Tell me."

"HU? How did he expect me to have coherent thought while feeling so much pleasure.

"Say how your mine for all eternity." His voice was gruff. I knew he was hold back his climax.

"Yes my strong vampire mate I am your for all eternity." He pulled me up flushed against his chest his hand gripping my leg as his mouth went to my shoulder.

"I love you my wonderful wife."

"An I you."

With that he thrusted into me once more as he sank his fangs deep into my shoulder. Instead of pain which I would have expected I was filled with a pleasure I never knew.

We were still for about five minutes before Emmett pulled away. He looked over at me his eyes softening. "I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No. I loved every minute of that."

He chuckled before he laid back pulling me with him. "Emmett?"


"Why did you bite me?"

"It is the mating mark. Vampire are known to mark their mates with a bite. It will stand out to all others letting them know you are taken."

"Will it look similar to Jasper's bit marks."

"No those are battle scars. This is a mating mark. There is a big different. For instance we have a special venom we use for our mates. When we bite our mate especially during love making it will fill them with pleasure."

"So when I bite you you'll have that powerful feeling of pleasure."


I moved straddling his waist. "Then prepare yourself my love for no that I need no sleep we have all day and night to have fun."

He growled leaning up capturing my lips in a fierce kiss. I wrapped my arms around his with a chuckled ready for the night of fun activities to continue.


Sorry it took so long for this chapter to come up but there had been a lot of things going on. But hopefully I can get the next chapter up soon as well.

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