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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

It felt like we flew faster going home then we did going to Ireland. When we eventually got home I told Seth and Leah to go home and spend some time with their mother for a bit, Ryder went with them. As Me, Emmett, Keegan and the Kids arrived home we saw we were not alone.

"What are the Denali's doing here?"

Bella ran out of the house and up to me throwing her arms around me hugging me tight. "I missed you."

"I missed you to Bells."

"Auntie Angel!"

I smiled down as Renesmee. "Hello little Nessie."

The twins ran up hugging Bella before hugging Nessie. "So there are more?"

I looked over to Kate who was looking at the twins. "What is going on?"

Edward walked out giving me a hug before gesturing to the house. "Lets go inside and I'll explain."


We jumped and looked back at Keegan who had dropped the bags his eyes glued to....Tanya!

"Oh brother!" Going over to my uncle I reached up and grabbed him by the ear. "Later."

"Ow... ow.....ow...."

Tanya and Kate laughed as I walked passed them and into the house. Inside Nessie took the twins to the side room to play as Edward explained everything. I could feel myself get more and more angry with every word.

"How dare they? Did Aro not understand my promise I sent back via little Jane." I turned to Keegan who was still staring at Tanya. "Keegan!"

He jumped and looked at me before his neck turned red. I shook my head before turning to Tanya. "Since my rude uncle has done nothing but stare let me inform you of why. If seems to me Tanya that you may be his destined mate if you chose to except."


"Go talk with him and he will explain."

Keegan seemed tongue tied at first but a swift kick from Emmett had him up on his feet. He took Tanya's hand and lead her out to the porch an onto the porch swing were they sat and began to talk.

"Momma." Aurora ran in her camo teddy bear gripped in her hands. "Where is uncle Jasper? I want a story!"

I looked to Edward. "Where is Jasper? Where is Alice?"

Edward looked down at Aurora before looking back at me. " He and Alice left. You know Aro will stop at nothing to get Alice. An I think they are looking for something to help us."

Aurora ran to Edward wrapped her arms around his legs. "When will he be back Uncle Edward?"

Edward picked Aurora up and hugged her. "I don't know dear but I promise he will be back."

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