Be Prepared! Master Plan!

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

Me and Emmett were at our house setting it up for additional guests. The twins were outside with Seth, Leah and Ryder. It had been a week since I put in the call to the council for help. We were told there were many traveling to help us but we were never given a real number. So me and Emmett were getting the guest rooms ready in our house and Uncle Matt had offered to house some as well.

" When will they start arriving?"

"I know the first group with Uncle Rafe should be here today."

Emmett looked out the window to the twins." I hate that their first Christmas will be like this."

I looked to the calendar. "Christmas is a week away, I almost forgot." I turned to him wrapping my arms around his neck. "How about Leah and Ryder or Carlisle and Esme watch the twins later and we go Christmas shopping."

He smiled. "That sounds like a perfect idea."

I leaned up to kiss him when my phone went off. I sighed before grabbing my phone. "Hello."


"Uncle Rafe! How close are you?"

"We landed. Were should we go?"

"We'll meet you at the Cullen's place."

"Got it."

I hung up and looked to Emmett. "Let's head to the main house to meet up with everyone."

We walked out and I smiled toward the twins. "We are heading to the main house. Do you guy want to come."

Ryder looked up. "Would you mind if we take the twins to La Push with us we were going to Sue's."

"Okay. I am sure Sam and Emily will be excited to see them as well."

As they got in the car to leave for La Push me and Emmett ran to the main house. There were many vampires there some were out hunting, something of which I knew made the packs uneasy.

Carlisle meet us at the door. "Angel?"

"The first group is about to arrive."

"First group?" Edward walked out onto the porch with Bella. "How many?"

"I don't know Uncle Rafe wouldn't tell me. But I have a feeling the Guardian's will probably be with him at least."

That is when we heard vehicles come up the drive. We turned to see 5 SUV's come to a stop in front of the house. I watched as Uncle Rafe got out of the driver seat of the first one.


"Uncle Rafe!" I moved forward and hugged him tight. " Thanks for coming."

"Of course."

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