Things Have Changed

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Kartik wanted to say so much but suddenly a horn behind them pulled them back to their situation and Naira who had just kissed Kartik, her boss in broad day light jumped away mumbling something. She quickly opened the door and ran to the orphanage.

Kartik saw her go but he was very well aware of the fact that he was not guilty. Whoever took the first step didnt matter any longer now. He loved her and suddenly that emotion took over all reasoning and rational thinking.

Changing the gear, Kartik reversed the car, sensing that this evening was going to bring something that will change his life.

Naira entered orphanage with a strange feeling that she was walking in dream. How else could she justify the fact that she had just been called a sweetheart and kissed by her boss Kartik Goenka?

A shiver ran down her spine remembering the kiss, and blushing furiously she quietly made her way to her room. Mishti wasn't home, as today was picnic day for orphanage kids and so she had gone with them.

Having nothing to occupy her mind she lied down and cuddling up to herself, yet again gave her full attention to the tumultuous feelings inside her.

Kartik had kissed her.

''its not just the kiss. And You know it.''

A small voice inside her said and sighing she shifted sides.

Yes it wasn't just the kiss. It was the protection Kartik had instantly provided her. How long had it been since someone did that? The anger she had felt in him against those men, the way he had held her, soothed her , kissed her.. It was what he meant to do.

The concern and care she had seen in his eyes couldn't be a random moment of indulgence. It was as if even he was shocked by the intensity of what he felt in that moment for her.

With her mind filled with so many baffling thoughts and her beat still not back to normal, she slowly drifted off to sleep.


Kartik entered the orphanage feeling a strange nervousness. He knew that kiss had changed it all between Naira and him, but he still had to define and accept that change.

''Aray Mr Goenka?''

Kartik turned to find Mr Negi standing right behind him. All thanks to Surekha, this man was known to all in his family.

'G...good evening Mr Negi ''

Both men shook hands and Kartik tried to find right words to explain his presence.

'Uumm.. I had to discuss some business project with Naira. So..''

''Aray Naira beta. That's good.. She is all alone... all kids went to a trip you know sometimes they also get a chance of outing...I am also leaving for home... I will coming at night..Aap.."

He looked around and found a gate keeper, who he gestured, '' Please take Mr Goenka to Naira'shouse....". Turning to Kartik he bid his farewell and he smiled genuinely and left Kartik to follow the gatekeeper.


Naira was almost asleep when she heard some movement in the house. Frowning, she yawned and shifted to go check who it was.

Pinning her hair up, she slowly made her way into the tv lounge only to be surprised out of her drowsy state by the presence of Kartik Goenka.

''Hey beautiful..''

He remarked, more confidently than he felt.

''Aap yahan?'' Naira fumbled and taken unawares by his presence and his appreciative glance, she internally shook herself to assure she wasn't dreaming.

'Bhool gaye? I said i will come..''

With this he took a step closer to her, grinning tenderly at her, '' or you thought i was just saying without meaning to do it?''

It was so close to the truth that Naira turned a lighter shade of red.

Kartik: (sighing) That is exactly what you thought.''

By this time he was standing close enough that her body's senses were alert with his presence.

Naira: ''mein.. Wo..''

Kartik: (chuckling he softly tucked a strand of hair that was lying loosely on her face behind her ear) ''Do you have any idea how cute you can be?''

Naira , biting lip and looking up at him she shook her head and Kartik couldn't stop the desire to feel her in his arms any longer. So he did just that. He pulled her in his arms rather unceremoniously and softly removed her clip to let her hair fall open.

'This is the way I like your hair best.''

Blushing Naira tried to retain her senses and create some distance between them. However she was disappointed when he let her go easily. It felt heavenly to be in his arms. How she wish she could stay there forever.

Scolding herself for letting her thoughts go wild, she fumbled a bit and asked, ''Will you take something...?''

Kartik: '' Depends on what you have to offer?''

His teasing, husky tone was creating havoc with her emotions and before she could fall for it, she quickly but naively added, ''There isn't much. Umm.. U see everyone's gone for the trip. It's just you and me here.''

Wishing she could bit her lip at last sentence she glanced at him to find his lips curled with amusement.

Kartik: ''Now that is a very tempting offer sweetheart. But before I take advantage of that, how about a glass of water?''

Grasping the excuse, Naira ran towards kitchen, while Kartik looked around himself. The house represented any house of lower class person, but the dismal air was getting on his nerves. Thinking Naira had spent 12 years of her life here, Kartik felt agony burn his heart.

'S..sir Water.''

Naira extended the glass of water and Kartik took it, ''Call me Kartik..''

Naira: ''You are my boss Sir..''

Naira didn't know why she rebelled that way, but suddenly when he asked her to call him Kartik, the reality returned to her with it cold tentacles gripping her heart and pulling her out of the dream reverie.

Kartik: 'What if I want to change that?''

With this Kartik placed the glass away and purposefully took a step closer to her, 'W...what if what we shared in car had already changed it?''

He was standing close enough that Naira could feel the warmth of his body and that was before he moved even more closer and cupped her face in his strong hands.

Kartik: (softly stroking her cheek with his thumb) ''What if i want to kiss u again and hear to say my name?''

Kaira FF: Journey Towards Love (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now