Where the Fate will Go...

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Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like  

It was definitely fate playing a game with Kartik. After being informed by Surekha that the girl would arrive at his office at 10 am, Kartik had finished his meeting early only to pace the width of his office, cursing himself in all three languages he knew for agreeing with Surekha. The thing he detested most was lack of discipline in the people working beside him and this girl who was to be his secretary lacked punctuality.

There was already something against her.

Naira was constantly wiping the sweat that was drenching her. In an effort to save money and buy something for Mishti she had decided to walk to the company's office. She can never be thankful for Mr.Negi. He listens to her plea and instead of arranging a marriage that was expected act after a girl turned 20 in orphanage well she has crossed few years back only, she was but now had offered another alternative along with the stay in the orphanage.

She can work. Earn money. And take care of Mishti. Yes that was the only reason she was eager to do this work. This was an opportunity fate sent her way and she wanted to make the most of it for the sake of Mishti. For the first time since the day her uncle left her at the orphanage that she had the desire to look forward to something. However this walk to the office and every passing minute assuring her that she was late and it is not helpful. Making her strides quick, she almost ran to the office.

Kartik was in the worst of his moods when there was a knock at the door. Ordering aloud, ''Come in'' he felt his temper further rise when he saw a timid looking girl enter with sweat pouring down her worn out clothes.

Naira enters hesitantly and made her way to the large scowling man.

''G..Good Morning Sir.''

It was not less then a miracle that her voice was as shaky as her insides were.

''You are late..''

The words were said slowly with emphasis on each word. Although Naira had thought she had crossed the age when someone could intimidate her, but this man was proving her wrong.

''I am sorry Sir. Errr... I...'' She was literally stammering.. Boiling Kartik's blood with it..

He said in a very strict tone '' If you want to work here, Rule no. 1 : Don't ever make excuses ever'

Naira almost flinched, words were not coming from her mouth she just shook her head in Yes mode. Her fidgeting increased, though she tried to hide it.

Kartik *maintaining same strict and rude tone* : ''Rule no. 2 : never shake in front of a shouting, angry man. You may have to meet many of them now and then IF (the stress on the word almost made her turn back and run out of the room) You get the job.''

Naira nodded her head slightly and Kartik continued calming himself of course, ''I already know your qualification and as yet again Mr Negi had found the perfect person to favor your appointment so I will directly get to business.".

Naira gulped down her saliva thinking about what kind of work will she be appointed, chanting some prayers she just calmed herself tried to look confident though she was failing in it.

Kartik continued in his stern note: " You are appointed for the job of my secretary and will have to do all the official work that a secretary is suppose to do. For more details you will soon meet Mr Vikram but before you leave this office I must inform You.." Saying he took some steps towards her.." I appoint you because of my sister in law. But I will throw you out of my office if you are once again late or tend to fail to manage the responsibilities of this job. Have I made myself clear?''

He almost snapped the last question and Naira quickly nodded her head in affirmative.

'Then u should go meet Mr Vikram for ur appointment letter and duties.''

Naira kept on staring at him for a moment until he meaningfully looked at the door.

Naira: Ummm.. Ok sir.. she quickly moved to the door but just at the door step she turned to whisper a heartfelt even if meek,'' Thank You..''

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