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*"Winston! Hostiles approaching! I repeat, hostiles approaching!"**

Tracer's alarmed British accent could be heard over Overwatch comms, followed by a string of rapid, thundering gunshots. The friendly, scientifically engineered primate who had just perceived this looked up immediately.

**"Lena! Retreat! Evacuate back to the ship!"**

Winston then extracted the small storage module from the large data tower in the corner of the room, in a rush.

**"Angela, meet me by the training facility, I may need your damage boost if things go awry!"**

**"Understood Winston, I got you!"** The Swiss doctor answered promptly.

Winston heard the gunshots impending, becoming louder as they drew near. He secured the storage module inside the small compartment within his armor, and made haste out of the room, hurling himself off the second story and landing in front of the primate training facility with a loud thud. The ground shook momentarily, and cracked slightly around his hands and feet. His eyes landed on a hooded figure who was sent flying into the air by the force of the landing. The figure landed on his feet with one hand on the ground. The shady individual looked up at Winston through what Winston assumed was a mask. Winston had seen him before. It had been the same character that broke into his lab in Watchpoint: Gibraltar for a list of Overwatch operatives. This plan was successfully foiled by Winston himself, before he had recalled the agents of Overwatch. It didn't mean he forgot the Talon agent Athena called "Reaper."

Reaper pulled two fresh new guns out from his cape and began furiously firing in Winston's direction. Winston raised his giant Tesla canon in Reaper's way, and fired a wild array of blue current of towards him. Reaper evaporated into a fog of thick black smoke, which snaked around him. When Reaper started firing his shotguns into the fur on Winston's back, the anthropoid scientist whirled around and slugged Reaper over the head with his canon, sending the being of death sliding across the floor. Reaper pulled himself off the composite tiles, and gave Winston a low growl. His gaze stared beyond Winston, and he let out a dark and twisted cackle, before wraithing forward. He slithered past Winston, flying toward a fellow blonde wearing a gold ring on her head, whom was in the midst of boosting to Winston's side. He reformed in front of Mercy and without hesitation, unleashed a series of gunshots, while he proceeded to spin in violent circles. Winston roared in anger, and leaped in front of Mercy, dropping a shield at his feet. The transparent blue bubble expanded around Winston and Mercy like a giant umbrella, greedily devouring every bullet. Reaper growled at this. Winston's eyebrow raised smugly, as his fur began to glow a captivating blue. He then released a roar of ultimate rage, and pummeled the Talon agent over the head. He began thrashing about wildly, occasionally striking his opponent. Reaper struggled against the strength of the genetically improved primate, and eventually he was forced to forfeit the fight due to a lack of opportunity to retaliate. He fled from the scene growling into the Talon comms in distaste.

Tracer, also known as Lena Oxton, blinked swiftly through the legs of the Talon sniper, Widowmaker, formally known as Amelie Lacroix Nee Guilliard. Tracer remembered the incident between her and Ana Amari. Foremost however, was the assassination of her late husband Gerard Lacroix. Gerard was an influential Overwatch agent, and an exceptional man. Although there were plenty of high authority agents of Overwatch, no one could replace Gerard. He was very admirable in command. Of course, Tracer was letting herself get too deep in thought for the current situation. Widowmaker's gun fired off rounds in a slower succession, in comparison to Tracer's pulse pistols. Though Widow did have more ammunition, meaning less time spent reloading. Tracer fired shots toward the french assassin, hoping if not to hit her, at least serve as a distraction. Her bullets flying around Widow, mimicking the annoyance of persistent mosquitoes. Widowmaker, enduring the plasma stinging different areas of her blue skin, pointed a firm fist at Tracer, shooting one of her signature venom mines in her direction. The spider full of purple gas exploded before Tracer had the chance to even blink, and she found herself forcefully coughing and choking instantaneously. Tracer used this opportunity to recall, dragging herself backwards in time to render the venom effect null and void. She landed behind Widow, who spun around promptly, and pulled her rifle into its sniping form. She then proceeded to fire a quick, half powered blast towards Tracer, which clanked against the side of the chronal accelerator strapped around her chest. The accelerator spit and sputtered at the sudden impact, the lights slightly fluctuating. Tracer looked down at her lifeline, and frowned back up at the sniper. She fired more pulse bullets toward Widowmaker, who dodged out of harm's way, and put her hand against the earpiece on the side of her head, to hear Reaper muttering into Talon comms.

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