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Lena took a deep breath, strapping herself into her accelerator once again. She cringed as her stomach growled persistently. It was angry with her. She hadn't eaten for god knows how long, and her body was making sure she knew it. She had been preparing for this, though. She had spent the last few days monitoring Widow. From her observations, she concluded that Widow made her way to the commissary every day, at 10:00 in the morning, and again at around 5:00 at night. Lena had it figured that if she timed it properly, she could go after Widow, and avoid a surprise confrontation entirely. After leaving her chamber with two potatoes under her arm, she peered around the corner, at the door to the commissary, and heard the clinking and clanking of dishes. She peeked into the door of the commissary, and acknowledged Widow. She was behind the counter, cleaning her mess from breakfast. Lena tilted her head at this, aside from her odd complexion, she almost looked like a decent human being. She looked normal, doing normal things that normal people did. She reminded herself however, that this woman killed her husband, and that she was not a decent human being. Lena rolled her eyes, at the fact that she found it odd to see the assassin doing basic human functions. Of course assassin's did the dishes, or vacuumed the living room. She was an assassin, she wasn't an alien.

Lena then took note of Widow leaving the room. She hid around the corner until she watch the sniper disappear from sight. Lena let out a deep breath, and walked into the commissary. She slid behind the counter, and grinned happily at the tiny stove. It only had one burner, but it would fulfill its purpose. She noticed the commissary seemed rather.. Tidy, for a kitchen that had been abandoned however long ago. Widow must have cleaned it up. Again, assassin's clean Lena, she scolded herself. She set her potatoes on the counter and grabbed a cutting board from a cupboard below. She set the cutting board down on the counter beside her potatoes, and grabbed a knife and a pan from the dishes in the sink. She set the knife down on the cutting board, where it slid off and onto the floor.

"Rubbish." She muttered, and bent down to retrieve it. She stood back up as the lights came on, and she froze, holding the pan above her head, giving a deer in the headlights countenance to the blue woman who looked at Lena, and stared at her with a expression of judgement.

"I forgot my tea." The sniper informed her blatantly.

Lena swallowed nervously as she noticed the teacup on the counter, still full and still steaming.

"Right, your tea." Lena confirmed with a very bad fake laugh.

"So you've decided to eat." Widow acknowledged.

Lena looked down at the counter at her potatoes and specific cooking utensils.

"Yes well, my stomach was getting rather angry at me."

Lena frowned when she realized Widow was missing her gun.

"You're unarmed." Lena observed out loud, still holding the frying pan above her head as if to swing at her if she made the wrong move.

"No, I didn't think I needed a rifle to fetch some tea." Widow replied, walking slowly to the counter and picking up the cup.

"Right." Lena dragged on.

She lowered the frying pan, and after a slight hesitation, set it down on the stove.

"You cleaned." Lena mentioned.

Widow looked up at her questioningly.

"Would you want to cook in a kitchen that was run by apes?"

"Literally." She added.

"No, I suppose not." Lena agreed.

There was an awkward silence following this interaction.

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