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Lena lie on the bed in her temporary room, staring at the ceiling. Her hands were behind her neck supporting her head, and her right leg was crossed over her left. A smile pulled her cheeks up slowly, as she remembered her small moment in the observatory. She had accomplished a confrontation with Widow that actually went smoothly. Well, as smoothly as a confrontation with Widow can go. Lena's eye traveled to the small window above her, where she studied the stars, suspended in nothing but blackness. She felt a feeling of warmth, thinking that there might be some hope to Amelie's case. She remembered what Widow said about her treatment. If Widow spent too much time without medicating, there could be a chance that they would see Amelie again. Lena's eyebrows furrowed at the obnoxious sound coming from the opposite side of the room she just now gave her attention to. Lena pulled her limp, slightly euphoric body off her bed, and stumbled absentmindedly over to the computer. Lena's chocolate eye's skimmed the screen before they eventually widened in excitement at the large icon at the top that read "Incoming Call." Without hesitation she answered the call.

"Hello?! Can you hear me?! Is anyone there?!" She called frantically into the receiver hoping for Winston's voice to reach back.

"... Widowmaker." A deep, raspy voice questioned, giving her instant chills.

Lena had no words for the second time that day. She hoped he hadn't already heard her speak. She couldn't get anything out of her throat to reply. It had to have been someone from Talon. How else would they know Widow? Or why would they be looking to reach her? Lena had to guess it was one of their superiors. Their regular field agents wouldn't have the authority for the passcodes allowing them communication to Horizon. A noise on the end of the line grasped Lena's attention back from her thoughts. She had momentarily forgot the voice was awaiting a reply, and still wasn't sure whether or not to give one.

"Widowmaker... If you're there, answer me." The voice growled.

Lena looked back forth from the left to the right, her brain hysterically glitching out from the build up of several different emotions about it. What if they were trying to get in contact with Widow for the purpose of coming to retrieve her? That was the only logical theory Lena could think of. Lena then tumbled into a minor panic. If they came for her, they would definitely resume her treatment, thus reverting all the progress that had been made to get through their brain washing. Widow was almost free of Talon's conditioning, Lena couldn't just allow for that to happen. She wasn't sure she couldn't live with herself if she did.

Then she remembered the kiss.

Lena fell back into that moment, how she felt when their lips touched. The virgin reaction she felt from Widow gave Lena a high she felt like she couldn't come down from. The way the assassin jumped at her touch. There was a beauty in her innocence, which it seemed like she didn't even have. Lena felt as if she had reached a part of Widow that was never supposed to be touched again. She felt as if she had a minor break through with the rival assassin, she couldn't allow Talon to reset everything that had been accomplished over the past few days. Lena leaned forward, toward the screen, and ended the voice call. She sat on the floor, defeated with herself, as if morally, she made the wrong decision. She had essentially refused a chance that the both of them could go back home, and if Widow found out, she would be furious. On the other hand, Overwatch would be proud of her. Proud of her for deserting herself maybe not so much, but a chance that Overwatch could find Amelie again, would be an accomplishment hard to forget. Amelie could be welcomed back as a new hero to Overwatch, and truthfully, the world could always use more heroes.

Widow lie upon of the telescope, gazing back at the earth with the faintest of smiles on her face. Her legs swayed smoothly behind her as she stared a the giant, blue planet. She thought about the beauty in the world when you look from far enough away. You almost forgot that things like war, and poverty existed. Maybe earth wasn't so bad. She day dreamed about the way she had been recently throwing herself about the observatory, and how she felt so light as she did so. Maybe things like ballet weren't such a total waste of time. Her mind flourished on, her skin growing warm remembering her kiss with Tracer, er- Lena. How her cheeks became hot, her lips tingled, and somewhere inside, she could feel the faint, but existing beat in her chest. Maybe emotions weren't so repulsive. Maybe, just maybe, she could live with them. Since the kiss, Widow's emotions had all been nothing but well behaved. She was, content, was what Widow thought they called it. A state of, what was that word again? Bliss? She felt at ease. As long as she can remember she's felt like she had the persona of an AK47, now she felt like a dandelion. Bright, yellow, happy. Ignoring the fact that she was still blue, of course. It wasn't blue that caught her eye however, but brown. She looked down, where a single potato rolled to a stop on the floor. Her eyebrows furrowed together. She used her grapple to smoothly slink off the telescope to the floor, where she picked up the potato in confusion.

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