Chapter Twenty

43 17 42

"Get off me you twit.."

"Stop pulling my hair..."

"I'll stop when you stop.."

Tess pulled at Allie's hair and Allie did too...they rolled and turned and pushed each other... Some kids that stood around, took random pictures that were to be uploaded into the school's blog..but the both of them were to busy to to be concerned at that moment..

"What is going on here.." Mrs. Banks called back order and decency within minutes of her arrival..

"I'm here" Mrs. Banks petite stature made her almost negligible... Most students were taller than her but now she waved her hands and finally got the attention she sought..

"What is wrong with you two?.." She asked approaching..

"She started it!!" Both said pointing at the other..

"Allie.. I'd like to hear your part of the story.....I gave you a strict guideline and you failed... Just a few push ups.."

"She walked out on me...that's disrespectful to my being.."

"So you had to redesign my hair with milkshake?"

Allie shrugged then Mrs. Banks so her chance to speak up..

"Enough of that you two... The both of you, will apologize to each other... The rest of you, get back to work... If this attitude continues again, I'd be forced to report you to the Dean.."

Oh no!! Not the dean

"That's right...the Dean... You heard me."

I rather file myself in to the Principal..


"Dear God gracious Tess what happened? Why are you so soggy and wet..?"

"Allison happened..."

"You mean Allie?.."

"Yes I mean Allie... Can you imagine she called me Theresa? I mean, who does that.."

"Isn't that like your full name?"

"No!! Its Tessa, there is a difference.."

"OK so.. What really happened... You look so torn and wet.."

"I decided to take your advice, and let it all roll of my back..Look where it has landed me.."

"Technically... My advice worked...look milkshake is rolling off your back."

Tess glued a fixative look at Maya that set her off the edge before the latter quickly chipped in..

"Not it"

"Just when I thought I was gonna have a good day...Ugh! So what about your talk with Abigail... Good news or bad news?" Tess asked cross fingered...

"Bad news... Extremely horrifying news..."

"Oh my...he's dead!!"

"He is not dead.... For now.."

"He dislocated another part of his body.."


"He lost his pet or grandma.."

"Stop guessing ...your guess is ridiculous.."

"What could be worse?"

"He has moved to Texas...the annual football training... In the football academy.."

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