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Thorin's hand froze in front of the door, about to knock. Mivera reached up and knocked for him. He sent her a grateful look just as the door opened."Thorin!" A figure basically lept from the doorstep and wrapped their arms around Thorin's neck.

Thorin smirked,"Dis, can't breath." Dis laughed,"Good to see you back again brother." She turned to Mivera,"Mivee!" She did the same treatment to Mivera. Mivera snickered,"Even still, after growing up you still call me that." Dis smiled as she let go,"Of coarse."

As if realizing something, Dis looked around,"Where is Frerin, grandfather, father, and-" her voice caught in her throat when she saw the sad look in Thorin's eyes. Dis swallowed what tears were threatening to spill and brought them inside.

Mivera hung up her hood and turned to the sound of little feet. She smiled brightly when the little blonde head poked it's way around the corner."Mivee!", it shouted and ran towards her. Mivera knelt down just in time to be tackled to the ground.

"Fili! I thought I told you to go to sleep hours ago!", Dis scolded her son. Fili rolled his eyes dramatically,"Ugh fine." He barely took one step before Thorin moved forward and picked up his nephew and swung him around.

Fili was a giggling mess,"Put me down uncle!" Thorin threw him over his shoulder,"Not until you promise to listen to your mother with no talk back." He began tickling Fili and Fili gave in,"Okay! Okay! I promise!" Thorin laughed,"Alright then now go to bed." Fili laughed one more time and went back into his bedroom.

Mivera sat down on the floor, and Thorin in a chair. Dis came in after tucking Fili in again. She laughed to herself as she sat down in another chair,"Just like his father that one is. Such a smart aleck-" she stopped and cast her eyes downwards."So, he's dead?" Mivera nodded,"I'm sorry to say so."

Thorin looked at her with sad eyes,"Frerin and grandfather also fell in battle." Dis nodded and wiped away a tear,"Where is father?" Mivera looked into Thorin's eyes,"We don't know." Dis didn't say anything to this. They sat in silence for a moment, and a high pitched cry broke the silence. Dis went to get up, but Mivera stopped her,"It's alright, I'll get him."

Mevira opened the door to the nursery. She walked over to the crib and smiled down at the little baby,"Hello Kili." The little baby gave her a toothless smile and waved its fists in the air. She laughed and picked him up, cradling him. She lightly bounced up and down, letting Kili play with her finger.

The door behind her opened and she furrowed her brow to see it was Thorin,"Where's Dis?" He gave her a sad smile,"She went to bed." Mivera nodded and Thorin leaned in,"Hello Kili." Kili laughed and grabbed Thorin's side braids, pulling him closer. Thorin chuckled and kissed Kili's forehead. Mivera smiled,"You hold him."

Thorin looked up in protest,"No, I don't-" his protest was interrupted when Mivera out Kili in his arms. He stood awkwardly and looked at Kili. Kili yawned widely and burrowed his face in Thorin's shirt. Mivera smiled,"See? He likes you."

That was an understatement. As Kili grew into an adult, he admired his uncle greatly. He was always trying to impress Thorin, Fili noticed this all through the years, but one day he confronted Kili,"Why are you so eager for uncles attention?" Kili rolled his eyes at his older brother,"Well you are going to be next in line as king, and I don't know, with him always around you, I get jealous."

Fili smirked,"He doesn't give me the time of day." Kili tilted his head,"What?" Fili laughed,"He is always with Mivera. Those two are inseparable." Kili nodded,"That is true." While the two brothers planned a scheme for their uncle and Mivera, Thorin walked up to Mivera in the bedroom they shared.

"There has been a sighting of my father.", he said the second he opened the door. She put her hairbrush down,"Another Thorin?' He sighed,"I know but please, is one may be it!" She sighed deeply,"And if it isn't?" He looked at her sternly,"Then I will accept the fact that my father has passed." She nodded,"I'll get my things together."

Ten minutes later, Mivera and Thorin stood ready at the door, hood on and packs filled. Dis gave her brother a hug,"Be safe." She hugged Mivera,"You to." Mivera smiled,"I want to give you something Dis." She pulled a stone with runes on it and gave it to Dis.

"What is it?", Dis asked, stroking the smooth stone in her palm. Mivera smiled,"It's a token. A promise. My brother gave it to me, promising to keep me safe. I give it to you, promising to be safe." Dis smiled,"Thank you Mivera."

The three of them hugged once more, and Thorin and Mivera set out in search for Thrain. For the last time.

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