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Miver called out to the rest of the company,"Be on your guard, we about about to step into the Wild." Thorin stopped and waited until he saw everyone coming. He noticed that Bilbo had stopped moving and was looking back at Rivendell. He rolled his eyes,"Master Baggins, I suggest you keep up." Bilbo took one last glance at the city before following the company.

They traveled for a long distance on the cliff face. The path was narrow, and it being drenched in rain did not help enough. The rain made it slick and slippery. Once Mivera unintentionally grabbed Thorin's hand when she stumbled as a large gale slammed into the group. Thorin said nothing, he just held her hand firmly, not intending to let go anytime soon.

Pretty soon the gales were as strong as that of a hurricane, coming so forcefully it seemed to move the mountain. Thorin shouted over his shoulder,"Hold on! We must find shelter!" Dwalin yelled back,"Look out!"

The company sees a giant rock flying over to them. They cling to the rock face as the boulder shatters above them, sending down many large stones, nearly hitting them. Bifur held Bilbo back,"Hold on!"

Amidst the pouring rain and flying rocks, Mivera saw a large figure walking towards them. She heard Balin yell,"This is no thunderstorm! It's a thunder-battle! Look!" Mivera's eyes widened with horror as the mountain began standing. Bofur was in awe,"Well bless me, giants! The legends are true, stone giants!"

The giant hurled another stone to the other, but missed. Instead it came hurtling towards them. Mivera shout behind her,"Take cover! Hold on!" The rock lands above them and it's rubble cascaded down.

Suddenly the mountain they were on began to break apart. Mivera gripped tighter onto Thorin's hand as the mountain became a giant. Half of the company was able to jump across the widening gap onto a stable ledge, the other was stranded on the knee of a giant.

The three giants fought, causing rocks to fall down dangerously close to those on ones knees. Finally, one picked up a large boulder and threw it, hitting the one with the company in the head. It hit it so hard, the head flew off. The body of that giant fell and the other half of the company watched with wide eyes as the knees rammed into the mountain face.

They all ran towards the area, thankful the other giants were taking their battle elsewhere. Mivera breathed a sigh of relief when she saw everyone was fine, well, more or less. Balin seemed overjoyed,"We are alright! We're alive!" Bofur looked around with a worried expression,"Where's Bilbo?"

Everyone's eyes searched frantically for the hobbit. Bofur pointed,"There!" Mivera turned to see Bofur running towards the edge of the cliff. Thorin shouts,"Get him!" Bofur reaches down,"Grab my hand Bilbo! Take it!" Bilbo kept reaching and stretching his arm, but he was just to far. Mivera saw a small foothold beneath him and quickly swung down.

She stuck one foot in the foothold and the other on the small protruding rock. She reached out to Bilbo,"Here!" His arm reached out to her and she grabbed ahold of his elbow. She grunted with exertion and hoisted him up to Bofur's outstretched arms. They all cheered as Bilbo made it safely. Mivera then swung herself up to where she was holding onto the edge.

But the rock was more slick than she anticipated. Her fingers held on for a moment before they slid off. She let out a quick scream and flailed her arms around, looking for someone to grab onto.

Thorin heard her yell a moment to late. He turned around to see that Mivera wasn't there. He ran to the cliffs edge and shouted her name. He caught a quick glimpse of Mivera's frightened face before she disappeared into the dark.

"No!", Thorin shouted at the top of his lungs. Dwalin had to hold him back so he would not dive after her,"Thorin! There's nothing you can do!" Thorin stood, still looking down at where she fell. His body filled with rage and he spun around. Dwalin knew what was coming and held Thorin from Bilbo, though there faces were extremely close.

Thorin's eyes were filled with hatred,"This is your fault! If you hadn't been so careless she would be alive!" Bilbo was looking down at his feet. Thorin's chest was heaving, and his anger quickly turned to anguish.

He fell to his knees and buried his face in his hands. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He heard Balin say,"Come on Thorin, we can't stay out here. We need to find shelter." Thorin stood with out a word and made his way to the front of the company, but he made sure to give Bilbo a hard glare as he led the company.

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