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Thorin trudged along the path far behind the company as they returned to the house. Nothing of real importance was discussed during the feast, they mostly discussed what they would do with the gold once they got it. Thorin readjusted the strap of the bag slung over his shoulder. He peered inside and grinned when he saw the contents inside. The fruit tarts were still steaming and fresh, despite the cold snow.

Once Thorin had entered the doorway, everyone's new coats were strewn across the room, but no one was anywhere to be found. Thorin knit his brow and tilted his head, hearing laughter down the hall he walked down the dark corridor and peered into the brightly lit room. He saw all of his company sitting around the bed, joking, laughing, having a good time. His eyes then saw Mivera, sitting straight up on the bed, smiling and laughing along with the rest of them.

Thorin opened the door, making a low creak echo through the house. All eyes fell on him, the faces of the company and Mivera were smirking. Dwalin coughed awkwardly,"Alright lads, that's our cue to leave." No one objected and they all filed out with remarkable speed. Once they were gone Thorin was left alone in the room with Mivera. She got out of the bed and made her way over to him. Mivera stood in front of him and looked up into his eyes. They stood like that for a good long moment, before Thorin turned to look out the window, giving Mivera the perfect chance to hit him on the back of the head.

It of course didn't hurt him, it just shocked him. His lips pressed into a thin line and his eyes were wide as he stared at Mivera, waiting for an explanation. She folded her arms across her chest,"You see me get shot, you think I'm dead, you find out I'm not, and all I get is a hug? Tsk tsk Thorin I thought your father raised you better than that." Thorin stayed in shock for a brief moment, then the corner of his lip pulled up into a small smirk. Mivera's lip did the same and Thorin leaned forward. Mivera quickly closed the gap between them, crashing her lips into his with so much force Thorin fell over.

They separated and laid there on the ground laughing at each other. Thorin smiled early and tucked a loose strand of Mivera's dark hair behind her ear. He cupped the back of her head and brought their lips together once again for a showers more passionate kiss. Mivera giggled and pulled back,"That's more like it."

Eventually they sat up and stared into the fire of the hearth. Mivera looked at the flames,"How was the feast?" Thorin sneered,"To many whores." Mivera's eyes shot out of her sockets,"What?" Thorin laughed,"Relax the only thing I tasted was the food. Oh, that reminds me." Thorin stood up and walked over to where his bag fell from him kissing Mivera. He opened it when he got back down to Mivera . She took the small handkerchief and unwrapped it. Mivera smiled wide,"Fruits tarts! Thank you Thorin!" She graciously took a bite and pursed her lips. She looked at Thorin with the most apologetic look on her face before she spat the bite back onto the handkerchief. Thorin's shoulders dropped,"I was hoping that was the one this that didn't taste like fish."

Mivera gathered the rest of the tarts and opened the window. Before Thorin could ask what she was doing, Mivera reared back her arm and threw a tart as hard as she could. Thorin laughed when he heard Dwalin's ranting down below in the street. Mivera dumped the rest of them out the window, hitting many of the company in the process, then she closed the window tightly. She sat back down next to Thorin and leaned against his sturdy side. Thorin sighed peacefully and lazily draped his arm around her waist, smiling warmly while the two of them enjoyed each other's warmth.

After what seemed about an hour later, Thorin felt Mivera's breathing slow and deepen. He smiled down at her asleep face, he picked her up carefully and set her in the bed. Moments later he climbed in after her. Thorin lay in front her in the blanket, he pressed his forehead against hers and eventually fell asleep to the rhythmic breathing of his one.

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