Ch. 20

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Demi's pov

It's the day of my 8 month appointment and as usual, I'm nervous. Me eating more, a lot more, has kept Wilmer and is baby girl alive. However with me being towards then end of the pregnancy, I'm miserable.

"Alright well she's looking great. I am honestly shocked to see her development normal. She's at a healthy size and it looks like all her organs are developed correctly. I believe I'll be able to take back what I said at your scan a while back. I think when you deliver her, she'll be healthy." Dr. Blanchard says.

I look at Wilmer with a smile at the news. Just what we wanted and were hoping to hear.

"If She were to come early, would she be alright?" Wilmer asks.

"Yes, She would be. I do think she will come a little early, but she'll be just fine." She says.

"So labor will be me giving birth to them both vaginally?" I ask unsure.

"Yes, they are both lowering so there's no reason that your body won't be able to deliver them vaginally. However if you can't then we will do a c-section to get baby B out." She says and I nod.

It doesn't get any easier to hear the loss of Wilmer and I's son. I don't think it ever will and I think it'll always be something I feel is my fault. It'll be something I'll worry about with the next pregnancy, if there is one.

"Alright." I say.

Wilmer strokes my hand and I look up at him from my doctor, "I must have bored the little one a bit more than usual." Dr. Blanchard says.

I chuckle, "No, this is usually her nap time. That's why we try to get an appointment after 2:30. She said she didn't need a nap time anymore and that she could stay awake the whole day, but I think she just proved herself wrong."

Little Ariana is being held on Wilmers hip with one arm as she sleeps in his shoulder. It really is cute to be honest. She's just so cute when she sleeps.

"But I cant say she wouldn't disagree with the statement if she was awake. I don't think she enjoys the appointments too much." Wilmer says.

"She's absolutely adorable, how old is she?" Dr. Blanchard asks as she takes notes.

"She's 4, but she's actually Wilmers biological daughter. After a lot of trauma Wilmer was given custody of her. We haven't been in her life for even a year, but we've really just tried to make up for the lack of pretty much everything for the first 4 years." I say.

"Oh my goodness, I wouldn't have known she wasn't your biological daughter if you wouldn't have said so. With how you two interact I would have thought you were her biological mother." She says.

"I love her as if she is. I mean with that little face and personality and heart, it's hard not too." I say.

At my voice Ariana wakes up and looks around the room before squinting in Wilmers arms, "Were about to leave love bug. Let your daddy hold you for now." I say,

"Mommy." She says reaching for me.

I let go of Wilmers hand and hold her tiny one to keep her calm enough for now. Wilmer places a kiss on her cheek and I look at my doctor.

"Alright Demi. I believe with how low you've dropped it's only a matter of days or weeks before you go into labor. I'm not sure we'll make it to the 9 months appointment." She says.

"Alright." I say.

We talk about a plan and once that's done, I walk out of the room holding Ariana's hand as she walks next to me, "I fell sleepy mommy." She says.

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