Ch. 19

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Demi's pov

After breakfast, Wilmer and Ariana got started on cleaning while I still work on my larger breakfast. If I want the little girl to make it then I've got to eat more. So no matter how hard it is to consume that much more food, I'm going to have to do it. I want her to make it.

"I need break. I need juice." Ariana says.

"Ok, you can take a small break. Go see if mommy can get you a juice." Wilmer says.

I turn my head to see the progress made and to be honest, I'm impressed to see 40% of the living room cleaned up in just 20 minutes. Although I'm well aware it's defiantly Wilmer doing most of the work. But.. to Ariana it probably feels as if she is. And the moral of the lesson isn't to tell her she isn't cleaning enough, it's to teach her what she did wasn't right and have her help clean up.

"Mommy, juice please?" I hear.

I look down and see Ariana standing next to me and I nod, "Need some fuel sweet girl?" I ask and she nods.

"Ok." I say.

I get up from the chair and she hops along to the fridge with me. I grab and apple juice and put the straw in it before handing it off to her.

"Thank you mommy. I sit?" She asks.

"Yes sit at the table until you finish. Then when you finish I need you to go back to helping daddy." I say and she nods.

I head back to the table and work on finishing the breakfast. From the corner of my eye, I see Ariana climbing into the chair and when I look at her, she's proudly sitting in the chair.

"What made you sad mommy?" She asks.

"What do you mean little love bug?" I ask.

"You said you cry." She says.

That's when I remember the conversation form the bathtub last night, "Well, mommy was going to have two babies, but the doctor didn't know. You were going to have a sister and a brother, but your little brother didn't make it. Your little sister isn't doing as good as she should in mommy's tummy so it scared me a little bit. I was sad I lost the little boy." I say.

"My mamá lost Trevor baby. She said never tell Trevor. She bled a lot mommy." She says.

I frown, "That sometimes happens. I bled too, I just didn't think it was serious since I went to the nice doctor and she told me nothing was wrong." I say.

Am I really talking to a 4 year old about a miscarriage? I really shouldn't do this.

"I sorry mommy. Baby sissy gonna make it. My mamá said when someone go bye bye, someone come here. Baby brother went bye bye, but baby sissy come here." She says confidently.

"We can only hope love bug. Mommy's going to try really hard to keep her alive." I say.

"She make it, I know she will. And after sissy, I get another brother." She says.

I give her a weak smile, "We'll see. I'm not sure if mommy will want another baby. I think I'll be happy with you and your little sister, if she comes." I say.

"That ok too mommy. I be good sissy to baby sissy."

"I know you will." I smile, "She's going to be so lucky to have you."

"I go help daddy. I finish juice." She says.

I bit my lip as she falls out of the chair, but once I see her get up, I know she's alright. She runs back to Wilmer and the cleaning continues.

I take the last bite of food and let out a sigh of relief. My stomach feels as if it's about to burst and I think if I took another bite, I'd be in the bathroom throwing up.

"I really hope this works." I mutter to myself as I get up.

Since Wilmer and Ariana are cleaning, I go ahead and wash the plates before putting them into the dishwasher. Once that's done, I go to the couch where I lay down and feel quit a bit of movement in my stomach. I give a small smile, "I used to wish you could calm down in there. But if you could move around everyday, I'd be happy. It'll let me know you're still Alright." I say as I rest a hand on my stomach.

I watch Wilmer walk downstairs and kneel down in front of me, "What are we going to do about her walls?" He asks.

"Did you try and wipe it off?" I question.

"Yes, it's stained." He says.

I sigh, "Well, Nothing today. We will leave them as is and when we go this weekend for the nursery stuff, I guess we'll pick up some paint for her room as well." I say.

"And I think the comforters done too. So what's the plan for tonight?" He asks.

I look at him confused, "I didn't even see the comforter. What did she do to it?" I ask.

"I don't think you want to know." He mutters.

"Can you wash it?" I ask.

"I mean after a few steps before it, yes." He says.

I raise an eyebrow, "What did she do?" I ask.

"Used the bathroom on it." He says.

"Ok, as in peed?" I ask.

"Not exactly just peed." He says.

I sigh, "Ok just throw it away. She has her blanket and if she decides to sleep in her room tonight that'll for her." I say.

"And the mattress?" He asks.

"Just use some resolve on it and scrub as much as you can. It's not going to remove the stains I don't think, but it'll clean it at least." I say.

"Do we have more sheets?" He asks.

"We should." I comment.

He pecks my lips, "Thank you mi amor." He says.

"Mhm." I say.

Wilmers pov

I don't know why I thought cleaning up a completely destroyed room, living room, and bedroom closet wouldn't take anything less than a couple hours. However it's nearly bedtime for Ariana and I am just now finished cleaning everything to the best of my abilities. The walls are still stained and her mattress I didn't even get too.

"I sleep with you and mommy?" Ariana asks unsure.

"Do you want to sleep with me and mommy?" I asks.

She gives me a tiny nod and I open my arms for her. She immediately runs into them and I pick her up, "You can sleep with me and mommy but can you promise me something?" I ask.

She wraps her arms around my neck, "Yes daddy?" She asks.

"Promise me you won't ever do this again. Next time talk to me or mommy." I say.

"I promise daddy." She says.

I kiss her cheek, "Alright let's go see mommy. Let's try and be quiet. I think your mommy may be sleeping." I say and she nods.

I walk with Ariana on my hip and as I suspected, Demi is already asleep in the bed. When I put Ariana in the bed, she crawls to Demi and snuggles next to her and falls asleep almost instantly. I get into the bed next and follow in their footsteps of sleep.

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