Ch. 18

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Demi's pov

When I walk through the front door I hear screaming from Ariana. I turn my head and see Wilmer doing his best to comfort her and calm her down while she tries to run away. I look to where she's trying to run too and see it's the one toy in the living room she hasn't thrown across the living room.

"Ariana if you can change, let me check your sugar, eat, get changed, and let me fix you're hair, I'll take you to the playground. Does that sound like a deal?" I ask.

All at once the screaming, crying, fighting, and anger stop. She looks at me with red eyes, tears all over her face, chest, and clothes and just falls to her knees on the floor. But recites something in Spanish and goes into her own world.

"Translate please?" I ask Wilmer.

"It's been the same thing she's said all morning and evening, 'I get no playground, I no good girl. I bad girl, bad girl get no presents. Present go bye bye' she'll recite it a few times before just throwing everything she can reach until get ahold of her." He says.

I walk to Ariana and wrap my arms around her and force her into my lap where I just hold her tight and place kisses on her face. She's stuck in the past which is effecting the present. I've just got to bring her out if it and do something she didn't get in the past to break the mindset she's in now.

"You want to go to the playground?" I ask.

She moves out of my lap before running to her room and slamming the door shut. Ok I get that, I left her and took something away from her that meant a lot to her.

"The playground? Are you insane right now? What are we teaching her? To continue bad behavior?" Wilmer snaps.

I let out a deep breath before explaining what I was just told and his face softens after it, "So I'm going to get the necklace and take her to the park. We can worry about the house another time. She feels like she doesn't matter and she's been a bad girl. Like she doesn't deserve all of what she has. We need to take care of that before we can get a grip on the house." I say.

So I head to our bedroom and grab the necklace before walking up the stairs. When I get to Ariana's room I walk in and see her asleep in the bedroom floor and I put the necklace around her neck and kneel down next to her. As if she has some type of super bionic senses, she wakes up and looks at me.

"Come here love bug." I say.

The new name for her earns a look of confusion, "I still love you. You're still my sweet girl. You're my good girl. My little angel. And you're my little love bug." I say.

She sits up and looks at me with uncertainty as if she's not sure what I've said is the truth. Her eyebrows are close together and her eyes are narrowed on me. As I look into her brown eyes I don't see anger, or pain, or fear, just guilt.

I open my arms for her to crawl into and I watch her body make the movement forward before stopping, "It's ok if you don't want me to hold you. I know you're upset and hurt, and I'm sorry. I promised to never hurt you and I did. I didn't mean to do that and I hope you can forgive me for that." I say sincerely,

"I sorry." She says so quietly, I almost miss it.

"Come here, can I hold you?" I ask.

"I trouble. I hurty. I bad girl." She says.

"No my angel. You're still my good girl and I will never touch you in a way to cause you pain." I say.

With that, I'm forgiven and she crawls into my lap, "What are you sorry for?" I ask wrapping my arms around her.

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