Agent A Jab At My Psychiatrist

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 Once I have the scepter I push it in the force field surrounding the Tesseract and almost touch it. "I can close it! Can anyone hear me? I can shut the portal down!" I scream. "Do it!" Cap yells. "No, wait!" Tony says. "Stark, these things are still coming!" Nat points out. "I got at nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it."

"Stark, you know that's a one way trip?"

He ignores Cap and flies up up with the nuke and into the portal. I shift around waiting. Waiting for Cap to give me the signal. Waiting for Tony to come back out. "Come on, Stark..." The Chitauri don't stop coming. "Close it." I push it into the Tesseract and it turn off its energy beam. The portal closes and I take the scepter out. Out of the corner of my eye, a small figure falls from the sky. I let out a sigh of relief.

I look from the roof as Hulk grabs the Iron Man suit out of the sky. Thor and Steve run to Tony. Then nothing happens. Hulk roars and I see movement from Tony.

"What the hell? What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me?" I let out a small laugh from what I hear on the earpiece. "We won." Cap says. "Alright. Hey. Alright. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it." Thor looks up at me. "We're not finished yet."

I nod and make my way down to where Loki was. I handed the scepter to Natasha and took out my blades. We all gathered behind Loki. He turns. I tighten my grip. "If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now." Hulk snorts.


The Avengers take Thor and Loki, who is handcuffed and muzzled, to a blocked area. We were in a circle around Loki, as if he would escape.

Thor shakes hands with the team and gives Selvig a hug. We he comes to me, he also hugs me. I tense up, not liking the close contact. "Thank you." He tells me. Ok now I'm confused. "For what?" I ask. "For closing the portal. I owe you." He says. "Can I cash in that debt now?" He nods confused.

I walk over to Loki. "Ave." Nat warns. I tilt my head at the Asgardian before I punch him in the face. Clint smiles. "That. Was for bringing up my past and mind controlling my best friend."

He glares at me. And everyone else gives me odd looks. Except for Clint, who is wearing sunglasses. But he is smirking.

Tony opens the Tesseract's case. Banner takes it out and places inside a glass tube, held by Thor. Thor gives Loki the other end, who reluctantly takes it. The Asgardians leap into the energy beam. Gone. Then, one-by-one, the group splinters off, strolling into different directions. Banner climbs in with Tony in his sports car. Steve rides away in his Harley. Natasha, Clint, and I climb back into S.H.I.D.L.D. cars. And we part.

"Are you going to live with Stark?" Clint asks me. "Yeah. Are you going to..." I trail off. "She knows about Laura. And yes, I am. You should come by. Coop is 6 now and you haven't met Lila yet." He tells me. "Lila?" I ask. "You missed out on something while you were gone. We still need to talk about that."

"I know. But can it wait until after my meeting with the Council?"


I'm with Fury while he get lecture over the Avengers by the World Security Council.

"Where are the Avengers now?"

"I'm not currently tracking their whereabouts. I'd say they've earned a leave of absence." Fury says. Woo! Go Fury. "And the Tesseract?" Another asks. "The Tesseract is where it belongs. Out of our reach." I speak up.

"That's not your call, Miss Romanova."

" I didn't make it. I just didn't argue with the god that did." I reply.

"So you let him take it and the war criminal, Loki, who should be answering for his crimes?" "Oh, I think he will be."

"I don't think you understand what you've started. Letting the Avengers loose on this world. They're dangerous." I narrow my eyes, I don't like this guy. "They surely are. And the whole world knows it. Every world knows it." I smirk. "Was that the point of all this? A statement?"

"A promise."


We went to eat Shawarma.

Ive eaten many things on missions and such. But that, was not bad. The place itself was hardly standing and had an actual hole in the wall, but other than that it wasn't bad.

We ate in silence.

I thought about what happened this past week. I went from watching Netflix in my abandoned house in Tennessee to saving the world.


I'd have to visit Harley sometime soon. But first, I had to get to DC.


I breath.

In and out. In and out.

I held a bouquet of flowers in my hand. An odd assortment of flowers, but no roses. Never roses. She said they were cliche.

"Are you going in there or not?" Sharon Carter asks sending me a look and she leaned on the doorframe. "Shut up, 13. It's been 5 years. I've changed. A lot."

"Oh relax. Even if you fought a deranged God and his alien army. You're still the Psychotic Agent Found and she's still Batshit Crazy Agent Cartwheel." I chuckle at Sharon's choice of words. "I hate you." I tell her. "Uh huh. Yep. Keep telling yourself that. Hate you too." She rolled her eyes and shoved me in there.

"Avianne? Oh, Avianne! They told me you died! I just didn't believe them. And then I saw you on the television. I knew that that was you and your blades. Phillip said that you were in Tahiti?" I smile. "You should go some time. It's a magical place." She laughs. "I don't think my 95 year old sack of bones could get me down that hallway." She comments.

"I'm sure Steve could carry you." I say. She gets a long sad look on her wrinkled face. "How is he?" She asks. "He hasn't come to visit you yet, has he?" She shakes her head no. "I'll have to get on to him about that."

She chuckles. "I'm sure you will.

"Oh no doubt about it. And I'll make sure to point out that Mace Windu looks like the Director when I force him to watch Star Wars." She smiles. "You are a peculiar girl, Avianne." She informs me. I send he an innocent look. "They tell me that I suffer from a mental illness. I tell them that I just embrace it." She chuckles at my jab at my psychiatrist. Sorry Dr. Bocha 

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