Chapter One

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The car pulled to a slow stop in front of the old beach house. It was an ugly bluiesh color that reminded me slightly of the cotton candy at the county fair last summer...

Sure I never really liked cotton candy, but now I hated the color as well, "Mom, please tell me this isn't where we are staying for the summer..." I whine a little as my parents and siblings get out and start to unpack the back of the rental.

"Of course we are, why else would we have stopped here?" she asks smiling and pulling me out of the car seat, "now if you want a decent room, you better get in there before the others."

I didn't heed her warning... and it was a mistake.

I ended up with the room towards the front of the house, that just so happened to face a big wall of trees. Perfect. Not only that, but it was right off the mud room and away from everything else in the shack. Maybe that's a good thing...

I thought to myself as I unpack my suitcases and throw my passport on top of the dresser. My KDWB shirt was slightly wrinkled from the seat belt crossing over my chest from the two hour drive. The kitty head on the front was staring back at me with the gaint Ozzy glasses on my boobs with 'KDWB' scribled in yellow in each lense. At least I had the biggest mirror in the whole place... that was definitly a plus.

"Hurry darling!" my mom shouts as I finish placing the last of my things in all the places I wanted them to be, "we are having a campfire on the beach! You don't want to miss it!"

"Sure," I mumble slipping my feet into my grey Sketchers walking shoes. My mom just didn't get what I wanted to do this summer. All I asked for was time alone with my iPod and guitar. But no, she had to drag us all the way from the bright green Wisconsin feilds to this dirt filled island Australia.

The worst part was that she didn't even let me bring my guitar... she said that customs would take too long and I may never get it here in time before we leave. I think she was just making excuses because I am not the good at it.. although that could be easily fixed if she would just let me take lessons. But, of course not, we can't let the youngest EVER be happy.

Rolling my eyes, I grab my basketball sweatshirt and walk out onto the beach. They had chosen a spot dangerously close to the tide, but I don't think they even cared. They were laughing and singing stupid old songs about a bear and a mountain covered with cheese... Is that right? I shake my head as I flop into the beach chair that was the only one left unoccupied.

"Isn't this nice?" My mom asks rubbing my knee a little.

I look up at her glowing face, "It depends on your perspective of 'nice'." I say crossing my arms as the faint sound of drumming flows through the air, "What's that" I ask sitting up a little and listening to the guitar solo.

"The house down the street," my sister says putting her feet up on a log in front of her, "the neighbors say that theres these dropouts over there that practice late at night. God, they should really show respect," she rolls her eyes almost as well as me before picking at her newly manicured nails.

"Or you could," I snap at her as dad gives me a glare.

"Kate, don't be rude," he scolds me and my sisters giggle.

"Shut the Hell up," I say to them and my dad smacks my knee.

"Go to your room, now!" he shouts so loud his voice echos over the roll of the sea and the sounds of the birds.

When the echo died down, the drumming had stopped and a new light down the beach a ways shone bright in the dark, "Gladly!" I yell standing up so fast the chair I was sitting in falls over, "I don't even want to be here! I didn't ask for this!" I stumble my way through the sand to get back to the door and make sure to slam it hard as I run to my room.

There was a tight feeling in my chest as I kick my shoes off at the wall. I wasn't going to cry... I can't cry... crying is for sorry ass babies. Shaking my head I stripped down to my underwear and bra and grip handfuls of my hair, "Fuck..." I whisper taking heavy breaths as I look at myself in the mirror.

My thighs were covered in a layer of celulite, my shoulders and neck muscular from ball, my stomach a little to round from Sour Patch Kids. That made me chuckle a little. I'd never have the gorgeous natrually tan skin, flat smooth stomach, or thin hotdog looking thighs that the other women in our family did... but I guess being different is a good thing... right? My hands go to my stomach as I look at myself from the side.

It was getting closer to looking smooth and flat... but I knew that it would never be as beautiful as I wanted it to be. And I could never cover the newly bruising mark on my knee with all the short shorts I had packed. My breath started to get patchy again as I lay down in bed, not able to look at myself anymore.

Tomorrow couldn't be any worse could it? I mean, at least he didn't shout in front of other people this time... I'd have to try harder tomorrow... And just do what ever they ask me to do... they won't get mad then.. yeah... that'll make things at least a little better.

Taking a deep breath, I lay on my back and close my eyes. Tomorrow was another day... or at least that's what Scarlett O'Hera says.. and if things could get better for her, they could get better for me, right? I laugh to myself, right... I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


How did you like it?? I thought it was pretty good!!:} Tell me what you think. Comment, star, tell your friends haha. This is the first cover, on a scale of one to ten (one being the worst) tell me what you think. I have two others that I am considering. If you really like this one I won't change it

Luv ya Loves. xx

K. x.

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