Chapter Three

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"Do you think you could... give me a ride home?" I ask Michael once we have been at Luke's playing video games most of the day.

"Yeah sure," he says smiling and taking my hand as we walk to the door.

"Goodbye, Summer!" Ashton yells taking a drink of something I could smell from the other side of the room.

"Don't day goodbye," I say smiling a little as I open the door, "never say goodbye..."

They all look at me and smile a little as I walk out of the room with Michael and to the car, "So um... you live in that house near mine right?" he asks laughing a little.

"Well when you say it that way.," I laugh as I buckle the seatbelt as he starts up the car and the radio turns on.

Once upon a time not so long ago, Tommy used to work on the docks.

Union's been on strike, He's down on his luck... It's tough, so tough...

Gina Works the diner all day, Workin gfor her man, She brings home her pay, For love, for love.

She says, "We've gotta hold on to what we've got. It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not. We've got each other and that's a lot. For love we'll give it a shot...

"Oh my God, I love this song!" I shout and turn up the volume, "I don't know what it's called, but I love it!" I say singing the chorus, 'Whoa, we're half way there, whoa, living on a prayer, take my hand we'll do it I swear! Whoa! Livin on a prayer, livin on a prayer!'

Michael looks over at me as we stop at a red light and I smile, "C'mon... it's a classic...." whisper looking up into his bright green eyes that reminded me of home.

"I know..." he says leaning in and giving me a soft kiss on the cheek.

I don't know what happened, but the next time we stopped at a red light, my lips were pressed against his and I was almost sittin gin his lap... We must have taken the long way... because I hadn't remembered that many stopsigns before.

"Thank you, Mikey..." I whisper once he was idling in the driveway.

He was slowly rubbing my thighs as I sat on his lap and looked down into his eyes I loved so much, "Don't worry about it... I'll be here to pick you up tomorrow... okay?" he says touching my cheek as he kisses my jaw and neck.

"Okay...." I say smiling a little and gripping some of his hair.

"Good night, Summer," he says into my ear as he opens the door.

"Good night..." I whisper as I climb out his door and run up to the front door. Michael waited for me to get inside before he put the car in gear and started down the road. I giggle a little as I walk in, carfully running my finger tips over my lips.

"Do you have the eggs?"

I froze in my doorway at the sound of his voice, "No..." I say quietly not looking up from the ground in front of me.

"Why don't you?"

"There was this accident on the way home... and they broke..." I whisper as he grabs me by the arms and spins my body to turn and face him.

"Your mother has been worried sick about you, and all you have to say it, 'they broke'?" he shoves me against the wall a little and I flinch, "if they broke why didn't you just go and get some more?"

"We were, but then-"

"We?" he asks turning so fast it blew some things off the coat rack.

"The guy who hit me with the ball... we were on our way to get more when his friends showed up..." I explain as he takes two short strides up to my face and pins me against the wall.

"What guy?" he asks, his beer breath filling my nose.

"Michael... he's picking me up tomorrow," I say looking away only to have him grab my jaw to look at him.

"John..." My mom says quietly, "she's home now... it's-"

"Shut up woman!" he shouts at her and she backs away quickly, "and you." he says turning back to face me, "why can't you be like your sisters?" he spits at me as he backs away, "why do you like being such a whore?" he asks, "you aren't going ANYWHERE tomorrow, with ANYONE!" he shouts and I stumble back into my room, "understood?!" he yells.

"Yes, sir," I say looking up at him from my spot on the floor.

"Good!" he says and slams the door so hard, the pictures on the walls fall onto the floor with a crash.

I tried to will the tears away... but they fell down my cheeks against my will. A silent sob took over my body as I lay there crumpled up on the floor. My whole body hurt... especially my heart... how could he be so cruel to me? All I ever did was support him... until now... Never again was I going to take my father's side in this... never again would I take his side in anything at all...

But... it didn't matter... early in the morning dad went outside and down the street a ways. He came back a couple hours later with a smirk plastered across his clean shaven face, "That Michael of yours is a bastard son," he spits in my face as I open my bedroom door, "he was never going to pick you up today anyway. You can do better, Kate, even for you." he says giving me a glare as he slams the front door and walks past the people eating in the kitchen.

My oldest sister had her new guy eating breakfast shirtless at the table... he spent the night... and I am the one getting chastised about having friends... I see how life really works now...

Dad was right anyway... Michael didn't come... and he didn't come the day after that... or the week after that... I didn't want to believe that my father was telling the truth, because he never has in his entire life... But, it's hard to try and see positive when negative is blinding you... some how he had done something... and I needed to figure out what exactly it was before my heart broke completly.


What did you think???? Comment, star, tell your friends lol Sorry it was a little shorter than the last one

Luv ya Loves xx.

K. x.

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