Chapter Six

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"Do you guys ever like write your own music?" I ask Michael as I start to strum his guitar and hum a little.

After a few seconds I look up at him. He was staring at me with a small smile on his face and a glint in his eyes. For some reason, this made me blush and look down at my fingers that were plucking the beautiful new strings.

"No... or not yet anyway...." he says as he moves from the crosslegged position and bends his knee to hold it in front of himself.

"Oh..." I say quietly and start to strum a little, "I need your love to light up this house... I want to know what you are about..." I sing a little and keep the beat on the side of the guitar as I strum along, "I need to feel you feel you tonight..."

"I wanna tell you that it's alright..." Michael sings as I hesitate for words. I smile a little and keep playing as he continues to sing, "I need your love to guide me back home, when I'm with you I'm never a lone..."

"I said that..." I say smiling up at him as my hand stops moving over the strings, "a few weeks ago... when we..."

He nods and takes out a notebook and starts to write somethings down in the notebook, "What are you doing?" I ask craning my neck to look over his hand.

"Nothing... Just what you sang," Michael smiles over at me as he sets the pen down, "start playing again," he says nodding his head at me as I start to strum again.

"I need to feel you feel you tonight... I need to tell you that you're all mine..." I sing again, "We'll never be as young as we are now... it's time to leave, this old black and white town... Let's seize the day, let's run away, don't let the colors fade to grey..." I close my eyes and Michael starts to write and sing with me.

"We'll never be as young as we are now... As young as we are now..." he says keeping time on his leg as we sing together.

"That's beautiful..." I say as I stop playing and look up at him.

"It's your words..." he smiles and looks over at me, "of course they would be beautiful.."

I blush and look down at the guitar, "You didn't have to say that..." I smile at him as I strum some more, "I see myself here in your eyes.." I sing, "stay awake til the sun rise, I wanna hold you hold you all night, I want to tell you that your all mine..." I whisper looking into his green eyes, "feel our hands intertwine, hear our hearts beating in time... I need to hold you hold you all night, I need to tell you that your all mine..."

"We'll never be as young as we are now... It's time to leave this old black and white town... Let's seize the day, let's run away, don't let the colors fade to grey... We'll never be as young as we are now... As young as we are now..." Michael sings to me and smiles as I strum a little louder.

"We won't wait, for tomorrow..." I say.

"It's too late, we don't follow," Michael laughs with me.

"We won't wait for tomorrow, it's too late, we don't follow... We don't follow..." I sing and pause for a second.

"We'll never be as young as we are now... It's time to leave this old black and white town... Let's seize the day, let's run away, don't let the colors fade to grey..." We sing together, "we'll never be as young as we are now... As young as we are now..." I strum a little as he does some filling vocals and I let the last chord ring.

"Congratulations," I say leaning over the guitar to look at him, "you've written your first song..." I laugh a little and move the guitar off to the side.

"It's all because of you..." he says leaning onto his knees with his elbows, "and it's all because you gave me the greenlight..." he takes my hand and I laugh a little.

I shake my head and move into his lap and hold onto his neck, "It's all because of you..." I say running my fingers through his hair and holding onto the back of his head... "Kiss me..." I whisper and swollow, "just kiss me... kiss me... kiss me..." I say putting my forehead against his as he runs his hands over my thighs.

Michael grazes his lips against mine before pulling away slightly and nipping at my bottom lip, "Oh my God..." I whisper and close my eyes slightly.

He chuckles and runs his tongue across my lips before kissing them lightly and leaning against the side of the truck bed.

As he bent his knees up, I slip farther into his lap and gasp as I hit his waist, "Don't stop..." he whispers as I shift over the hardness in his jeans.

I giggle a little and bite his lip before kissing down his stubbled jawline and to his neck before his hands grab onto my butt and push me harder against him, "Michael," I gasp and arch my back so that my chest gets pushed against his face.

He starts kissing along my cleavage and his stubble grazes my tender skin leaving light red marks against my paleness, "we shouldn't..." I whisper gripping his hair as he barries his face in my chest.

"But is that what you really want.." he asks leaving a small bite just over my heart.

"No..." I breath just as his phone starts to ring and vibrate.

"Damn it..." he says pulling away and sliding it open, "Hello?" he asks leaning back and away from me.

I smirk a little and start to lightly kiss along his jaw and neck. At first he just smirked and rubbed my back as he talks to what must be one of his buddies. Then I started to nip at the tender spots on his neck and grind against him.

"Uh..." he chokes a little as his eyes get wide, "well... Actually, I've been wa... working on this song..." he stummbles on his words as I kiss down his chest and he slides onto his back on the truck and his breathing shallows a little, "No... it's..." he tries to speak as I kiss the soft skin across his waist line, "it's just something si... simple... but you guys might like it..." he lets out a long breath and his eyes squeeze shut, "shit man..." he says gripping his fring and looking down at me, "yeah... I'll be there in ten minutes... bye," he throws his phone down and grips my hair, "Jesus, Baby..." he groans as I pull away and zip his pants back up and sit straight.

"Was that okay?" I wipe my face a little and he leans up and kisses me.

"It was perfect..." he whispers against my lips, "but, we gotta go..." he says buttoning his pants and taking my hand.

"Where are we going?" I ask squinting against the sunlight as he pulls me into the cab of the truck.

"The boys want to make a YouTube video.." he says shrugging a little, "just to tell everyone that we are a band and such... But, we still haven't like... picked a name for it yet," he says starting it up and pulling away from the turn off.

"Oh..." I say crossing my legs, "can I film it for you?" I ask turning to face him and smiling stupidly.

He laughs really hard, "Yeah, I guess if you'd like to," he laughs and pulls into Luke's driveway.

"Yes!" I shout throwing my hands in the air, "I've always wanted to be apart of something special," I giggle and kick my feet a little as I open the door and jump out.

"You're crazy, you know that?" Michael says meeting me on the other side of the truck and putting an arm around my waist as we walk towards the door.

"Yes," I say looking up at him and sticking my tongue out, "but that's why you love me," I wink as he opens the door.

"Very true..." he says quietly as he watches me bounce into the living room and start looking at the camera Luke had set up and how it worked.

I looked back at him as he stands there in the doorway just staring at me. A wide smile covers my face as I watch him from across the room. He chuckles as I stick my tongue flat out at him between my V shaped fingers. With a smirk he licks his own out at me and Luke walks into the room, "Jesus, the two of you," he shakes his head before sitting down on the couch, "c'mon Michael, Summer's got everything set up, let's get started." He hits the spot next to him.

"Alright, ready?" I ask smiling at them, "3, 2, 1..."


Hey sorry, it's short but... I think it was still pretty good!!!! Alright, tell me what you think of the story so far!!! You're feed back is important to me!! Thank you!!!

Luv ya Loves xx.

K. x.

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