Ch. 2: The Reunion

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Mon-El and Winn landed on the balcony in the DEO.

"Thanks for the lift." Winn said as they made their way into the DEO. "Hey everyone, were back!" he yelled triumphantly. Then every single DEO agent pulled a weapon out and pointed it at Winn and Mon-El.

"Woah, Woah." Mon-El yelled putting his hands in the air, as did Winn. The DEO agents surrounded them, ready to fire. "Why are you pointing guns at us, it's Mon-El and Winn." Winn said, pointing them out. The agents didn't  budge.

"Stand down." A woman's voice yelled causing all of the agents to lower their weapons. Several agents parted to reveal the one and only Alex Danvers.

With the outfit she was wearing, to put it simply, she really screamed director of the DEO

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With the outfit she was wearing, to put it simply, she really screamed director of the DEO.

Winn sighed, "Alex, thank goodness-"

Before he could finish though, Alex pulled out her gun and blasted him, sending him backwards. Mon-El stood in shock,

"Alex what are-", but he was interrupted because Alex then shot him and he went unconscious. Alex then strapped her gun back on to her belt.

"Take these two to a cell." she ordered. Two agents grabbed Winn and Mon-El and dragged them to their cell.

Mon-El jolted awake and sat up

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Mon-El jolted awake and sat up. He looked at his surroundings, realizing he was in his cell that he had been in several times. He then noticed that Winn was unconscious next to him.

"Winn." he said, "Winn wake up." Mon-El kept tapping him until he started moving. Winn slowly sat up, still hazy from the blast.

"I'm alright." he murmured, "I'm alright." he repeated. They both helped each other up. As they brushed themselves off, they noticed that Alex was on the outside of the cell watching them.

"Alex, are you out of your mind?" Mon-El questioned her, "Why did you shoot us?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?" she asked, crossing her arms, "Your even thicker than I thought." she remarked coldly.

"Alex, what is wrong with you?" Winn asked. He had never been more confused in his life.

"Funny... I was about to say the same thing." she said. Alex turned around as she left the room. Just before she reached the door, it opened to reveal the girl that had saved them in the street. "You got 5 minutes." Alex told her.

"Thanks." she said as Alex exited the room. The girl walked slowly up to the cell door, staring at them. She didn't stop until she was a few feet away from the glass. For a few seconds the girl was just standing there with a stern look on her face. "Do you know who I am?" she asked, however she said it as if she knew what they were going to say.

"Your the girl that saved us." Winn said.

"Why are you here?" she asked, disappointed.

"We came here to see our friends but clearly things have changed." Mon-El remarked.

"Not like you gave them a good reason to ever want to see you again after you left." the girl snapped at him.

"We came back! We're RIGHT HERE!" Mon-El snapped back.

"I'll ask you again, do you know who I am?"

"No." he said. Winn stood there as the conflict went on. He wasn't sure who this girl was but he knew she meant business.

"Why would you know, it's not like you would want to know." she remarked, marching up to the glass.

"What are you talking a-" Mon-El stopped. The girl was only a few inches away from the glass and Mon-El could see her face up close. She was crying and as Mon-El looked into her eyes he could only think of one word ...comets. Mon-El could not believe what he was seeing. The girl turned away from the glass and left the room, slamming the door behind her. Mon-EL then sat down and pinched the bridge of his nose trying to reconcile thoughts.

"Okay... what just happened?" Winn asked, confused by what just happened. Mon-El was not paying attention to Winn. The only thing he had on his mind was one question... where is Kara?

A/N: To all my readers, thank you so much for reading my story. It means so much to me. And a special thanks to FanGirl010103 for being my first follower and to vote on my story. Thank you for your comments as well. 15 reads is a huge accomplishment for me! My updates are mainly whenever I get the chance. I will try to update as frequent as possible. Thank You!

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