1K Special!

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A/N: Hi Readers! This chapter is a special thank you to everyone who has made my story a big hit! Thank you all!

    Kara heard her alarm go off and smacked it. She got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen to prepare her and her daughter's breakfast. As she cooked she reflected on how much her daughter has grown. These past 9 years have been amazing. Her daughter was a sweet, selfless little girl just like her mother. She had recently gotten her powers and was training to get better with them. They were happy. Kara was happy. She hadn't been this happy since... him. He hadn't come back for 9 years and Kara was starting to think he never would. Her mind came back to reality as she heard the patter of little feet running to the kitchen. She saw a little mop of brown hair dash past her and hide behind the counter. Kara giggled as this is how most mornings went.

"Hm, I wonder where Skye is?" Kara asked herself as she heard giggling from behind the counter, " I hope she doesn't miss her big birthday breakfast."

"Hi Mommy!" Skye shouted, jumping up from behind the counter.

"Hi baby!" Kara said, picking up her daughter and spinning her around, "I wish you'd stop growing

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"Hi baby!" Kara said, picking up her daughter and spinning her around, "I wish you'd stop growing. So you can stay my little girl."

"I won't be little forever Mommy." she said.

"I know." Kara said as she put Skye down.

"One day, I'm gonna be a great superhero, just like you." Skye said, triumphantly.

"First, you need to eat your breakfast." Kara said, setting her daughter's breakfast in front of her.

"Okay." Skye sat down and was eating her breakfast. Kara sat down across from her with her own breakfast, but she wasn't eating it. She was only focused on her beautiful baby girl. It was true, she had never planned this but she wouldn't trade Skye for anything in the world. She loved her with all her heart. Skye looked up to see her mother smiling and she smiled. Skye loves her mother. She was her hero. Even when she didn't have her cape on.

"So is there anything you want to do today?" Kara asked Skye as she finished her breakfast. Like her mother, Skye had inherited Kara's big appetite.

"Can we go flying today please?" Skye asked, excited. Kara smiled. Her daughter lives using her powers and wearing her suit that Cisco had given her for her last birthday.

"Of course." Kara answered, "We also are going to meet Aunt Alex at Noonan's for lunch today."

"YAY!!" Skye yelled, running up to her mother and giving her a hug. Kara hugged back.

"Go get dressed and we can head out." she told her.

"Okay Mommy." Skye ran off to her room with her super speed. Kara cleaned up from breakfast and went to her room to get changed herself.

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