Ch. 3: The Truth is Revealed

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Mon-El and Winn were still in their cell. Winn had been pacing ever since the girl left. "We have to get out of here." Mon-El said.

"How?" Winn asked.

"You don't need to worry about that."

The two turned around to see the one and only Brainiac-5 unlocking their cell

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The two turned around to see the one and only Brainiac-5 unlocking their cell.

"Brainy, how did you know we were here?" Winn asked.

"I was informed you were in custody so I immediately sneaked in here to help you escape." he said.

"Glad to here you don't hate us." Winn said. Once their cell door opened, Brainy instructed them to follow him. The three of them snuck out of the prison in no more than a few minutes. Soon they were in Brainy's lab.

"Brainy, where is Kara?" Mon-El asked, concerned. Ever since he and Winn had arrived in the 21st century, he had not seen even a glimpse of the Girl of Steel. Mon-El was getting more worried about her with every second that passed.

"I will explain as soon as-"


Brainy, Winn and Mon-El turned around to see Alex, J'ohn Jonzz, and the girl that had interrogated them earlier.

"Are you out of your mind?" Alex huffed as she walked into the lab, along with her companions, "What made you think you had a right to release them?"

"I believe they have a right to what has happened." Brainy said, standing his ground.

"We are taking them back to their cell." the girl said.

"This is crazy. We demand to talk to Supergirl." Mon-El demanded.

"You can't." J'ohn said with a painful tone.

"Why not?"

"Because she..." the girl snapped in tears, " she's... gone." Tears were falling down her face like a waterfall that never lost it's flow.

"What... what do you mean gone?" Winn stuttered. He felt as if somebody had shoved a knife into his heart.

"Supergirl disappeared in a fight... 6 years ago." J'ohn said.

"How long have we been gone, J'ohn?" Mon-El asked as he was on the verge of tears. J'ohn and Alex looked at each other with regret, then only looked down. "How long?" Mon-El demanded an answer.

"Si-... 16 years." the girl said as her voice broke from crying.

"Who... who are you?" Mon-El's voice faltered. The girl looked at him with pure sadness in her eyes and Mon-El saw it again... comets.

"My name is Skye. I'm her daughter."

Winn stumbled back as Mon-El just stared at Skye.

"Alex tell me this isn't happening." Winn demanded. Winn was in tears as he could only imagine what had become of his friend.

"Supergirl found out she was pregnant 5 months after you left." Brainy interjected.

"Brainy, shut up!" Skye said, clenching her fists.

"Why do you continue to deny it? He has a right to know." he said.

"He lost that right." she said, about to storm out of the lab.

"Skye wait, maybe he's right." Alex said. Now that they knew who Skye was, she figured it was best for them to know the whole story.

"Your seriously taking his side?" Skye asserted.

"We're saying they should know everything." said J'ohn.

"What else are you hiding from us?" Mon-El asked. After finding out Kara is missing and she has a daughter, Mon-El felt like there should not be anymore secrets.

"Mon-El," Alex said, pausing, "Kryptonian pregnancies take a year to develop before the actual 9 months of pregnancy." Mon-El was confused about why Alex was telling him this but then it all clicked.

"Wait." Winn interrupted, "Your saying that she's...". Winn couldn't even get the words out. He felt that if he said it out loud he would be admitting himself that this was all true.

"Your Skye's father."

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